How Do I Write a Prayer Strategy for Spiritual Warfare? – Episode #26

How Do I Write a Prayer Strategy for Spiritual Warfare? – Episode #26

few years ago, I bought the book Fervent by Priscilla Shirer. Reading that book, paired with her earlier film War Room, dramatically changed how I viewed prayer and spiritual warfare. I realized that for most of my life, I’d approached personal development and spiritual growth randomly, almost like I expected it to happen all on…

Person distracting themselves with stacking pens

3 Spiritual Warfare Strategies for Your Distracted Mind- FREE PRINTABLE!

Every generation has had their own battle, and if I could take a wild guess at the battle this generation is facing I would say it is being distracted and over-stimulated. We have endless entertainment readily available at our fingertips 24/7. People of my generation and older remember when TV channels didn’t broadcast 24 hours…

woman with hands folded on Bible praying

4 Ways to Sharpen Your Spiritual Senses When They Have Grown Dull – FREE PRINTABLE!

The Church today is losing the battle. In my previous post, I shared the Lifeway Research findings that in America more churches are closing than are opening, and my own thoughts about that discovery. I wrote about my own struggles with offering fresh, spiritual food here on A Little R & R and how that…