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  1. These are great truths. I especially love #2. I think if we could all understand and embrace this one there would be less disagreement in the body. People are at different places in their walk with God and we have to be mindful of that fact. Great post!

    1. I agree, there’s be a lot less disagreement in the body if we’d respect each others’ convictions and level of maturity.

  2. I think #2 really stood out to me. They are personal not for everyone. I think sometimes our tendency is to elevate our personal convictions and impose them on others. As if we’re trying to be the Holy Spirit in their lives. This was a really interesting read and I liked the Nazarite comparison.

    I’m reminded of this quote too.

    “We must not seek to bind the consciences of other Believers with the private convictions that arise out of our personal walk with God. Even if you believe God has led you in developing those convictions, you still must not elevate them to the level of spiritual principles for everyone else to follow.” – Jerry Bridges

    1. Yes – #2 is so important, because you are right – we do have a tendency to elevate our personal convictions to biblical standard. It’s hard sometimes to respect others’ convictions and level of maturity.

  3. All 4 of these are right on target! I have done the same thing, instead of standing on my conviction I caved in! So easy to do but we/I must always stand for what I believe to be right. Your right if I do not it is sin!

    1. Thank you, Lisa! Yes – it is easy to cave under pressure, isn’t it.

  4. Oh Rosilind,
    I understand so well about the wanting to be with friends YET, not being able to because what they were doing was wrong.
    I am isolated here in Florida. Both my husband and I are. Mainly by choice. We choose not to hang around anyone who doesn’t bring anything to our “Table”. I couldn’t think of a better work than table.
    Early on living here at the park, I was often invited to socialize with the other ladies there. Co- workers and or their wives/girlfriends.
    I wanted to so badly until I heard what they were planning. Men Bashing. Drinking at the bar across from the park.
    Danny and I have been to the bar. A Number of times. Usually in the afternoons when no one else was there. We’d turn on the Jukebox and dance slowly. We haven’t been in over a year. We will not go without the other.
    I will not BASH Danny. I may share a vent about us but I am not doing it for fun or to harm him. I do it out of love. I do it to survive and get past the anger I often feel.
    To get together with co-workers and putting down or telling personal stories about anyone is just wrong. To talk about someone they work with is WRONG.
    Why BASH anyone?

    1. I am so sorry that you are so isolated. That is hard, and yet sometimes we just have to cut the ties with those who threaten to drag us down. I like your standard for not bashing your husband. You are a real treasure to him. That is so rare today.

  5. Thanks for sharing these are 4 simple truths about conviction. We as believers need to be very careful not to present things that are our personal convictions as necessary for all believers, and we need to be careful to respect the convictions of other brothers and sisters. Great topic!

    1. Yes we do need to be so careful to respect each person’s conviction, and also level of maturity.

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