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  1. I love the non-script you wrote! These are great first steps for something that has been on my mind lately. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Heaven, so glad you found my non-script to be helpful and timely! 🙂

  2. Hi , what to do when my is not save or don’t believe in God. How can I have a pure married bed?

    1. A pure marriage bed isn’t necessarily dependent upon both parties being saved. In fact, Paul, in many places, indicates that a saved wife has incredible influence over her unsaved husband (curiously, he never speaks this way to saved husbands with unsaved wives). By your godly submission to your husband, and by your earnest prayers (while choosing not to preach to him…but be silent) God can work an amazing work in your husband’s heart. In the meantime, your pure heart – pure of lust, anger, fear, anxiety, and unforgiveness, will keep your marriage bed pure. Pray those things for him, as well. You might also try praying over his side of the bed each day when you make the bed. Bathe your marriage your husband and your home in prayer – it is a powerful tool!

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