We Give Thanks Free Thanksgiving Printable

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Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite times of the year.

In fact, I refuse to even consider decorating my house until December 1, because I like to spend all of November giving thanks.

Download this lovely Thanksgiving printable and frame it as a reminder to you to live with a spirit of thanksgiving in everything. #alittlerandr #Thanksgiving #printable #thankfulness #thanks

I think it is essential that we build in our spirits what I like to call a “thanksgiving default”. I get this idea from Paul when he said

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

When we learn to default to thanksgiving, no matter what situation we face we will find a reason to be thankful; and this kind of a lifestyle not only brings health to our spirit, it brings health to our body as well!

This is why I love to do my Thanksgiving Challenge each November, because it reinforces that thanksgiving default in my mind and spirit.

Join the Thanksgiving Challenge here each November

I also like to write out or print inspiring quotes or verses that remind me turn my eyes to Jesus and give Him praise and thanks. I hang them on my walls in key places around my home. Each time my eye catches them, my thoughts are turned back to Christ.

That is why I created this printable.

It is a colorful reminder to us to give thanks.

Download this lovely Thanksgiving printable and frame it as a reminder to you to live with a spirit of thanksgiving in everything. #alittlerandr #Thanksgiving #printable #thankfulness #thanks

Note: The graphic above is watermarked, the actual printable does not have the watermark on it.

If you’d like to download this colorful thanksgiving, frameable printable, just type in your email below. Immediately you’ll be directed to a page where you can download this printable, along with a bunch of other fun and useful printables for your home, Bible study, homeschool….and I’m adding new printables each week!

Type in your email below and download this printable today!


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