One Way To Have a Worshipful Summer

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How often do you worship?

I don’t mean putting on your favorite Worship CD or singing along to K-Love. I mean taking the time to dig down deep in your heart to echo words that resonate with you about who God is to you.

I mean in your heart elevating God above everything else.

Join me June 11 for a 10-week worshipful summer study through Psalms 1-50! Click for more details!

Worship is more the music.

It’s more than a style of music.

While worship is most often depicted in Scripture as singing and playing instruments, the act of worship itself is glorifying God as supreme in our life.

It is elevating Him above everything else we love.

David, in Psalms 1, said this:

Blessed is the man (How happy is the man)
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, (Who doesn’t rely on the wisdom of unbelievers)
Nor stands in the path of sinners, (Who doesn’t take the same stand unbelievers do)
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; (Who doesn’t live the same way mockers do)
But his delight is in the law of the LORD(His ultimate enjoyment in life is God’s law)
And in His law he meditates day and night. (God’s law is what fills his thoughts 24/7)

Worship is making God, His Word, His commands, His instructions for our life our ultimate enjoyment so that we:

  • Have no use for man’s wisdom, because our minds and spirits are already so filled with God’s wisdom that we have no need for any other wisdom.
  • Have no desire to take the same stand unbelievers do. We don’t take up their causes, we don’t protest the same way they do, we don’t associate ourselves with them. Why? Because we take up Christ’s cause. We stand for biblical truth. We associate ourselves with disciples of Jesus Christ. There may be times with these causes overlap, but we must be careful that we take a stand in the biblical way.
  • Have no desire to live the way people who mock Jesus Christ live. We don’t enjoy the same entertainment, we don’t have the same desires, and we don’t have the same ambitions and goals, because our desires, goals, and ambitions are to glorify Jesus Christ and to see His kingdom advanced in this world.

This is worship.

Elevating God, His Word, His standard for our life, His destiny for our life, and His purpose for creating us above everything else we do!

Refusing to allow the world to determine our causes.

Refusing to allow the world to define our ambitions.

Refusing the world to establish our goals.

Because the Word of God has already laid out all of these for us, and our ultimate act of worship – elevating Jesus Christ above everything else in our life – is to reject the world and embrace the Word!

One thing I’ve realized in my own personal life is that I want to be more intentional about this.

One Way To Have a Worshipful Summer

Starting June 11, I will be joining Good Morning Girls in a 10-week study through Psalms 1-50.

I can’t wait to get started on this study because the Psalms are not only beautiful songs of worship, they also challenge us intensely to examine our own hearts deeply.

David commands us to not envy sinners.

To not envy those who live better than we do – or have easier lives.

His passionate love for the law of God makes my own love of God’s Word look weak and lukewarm in comparison. Do I really meditate on God’s law “day and night”?


A lot of other thoughts crowd in and take over.

During these 10 weeks, not only will I be meditating on the Psalms, and even memorizing a lot of them, I will be putting a little music note ???? next to the Psalms that are familiar worship songs and bringing them into my family worship.

I invite you to join me!

I lead two online Facebook Bible study groups that you are free to join.

One is Good Morning Girls in the Word – for English-speaking women

The other is Dobro Jutro Djevojke – for Croatian-speaking women.

We also have a number of groups in other languages. If you don’t speak English as a first language, comment below or email me to see if there is a Good Morning Girls group in your language!

Here is what you need to know about the Good Morning Girls Psalm 1-50 Worshipful Summer Study:

1. This study is totally free – but you can get this optional workbook.

Courtney offers all of her materials for free – even a free workbook – on her blog. But you can this lovely workbook on Amazon. The Amazon Workbook has the verses of the day and discussion questions included in it as a bonus.

2. Each Monday Courtney will post free resources needed for the study.

3. Each Wednesday I will be posting my thoughts here right at A Little R & R

4. Each Friday Courtney will post a wrap of video or blog post for the week.

I hope you’ll join us for this amazing study through the first 50 chapters of Psalms!!


This post is part of the Blogging Through the Bible series with Good Morning Girls.

For more posts on 2 Samuel click below:

Other Articles for Psalms


What is True Repentance

The Beauty of the Throne of Grace

Find more articles on worship below:

True Worship {a call for deeper intimacy in worship}

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Make Fun of Worship

The Power of Praise

One Thing We’re Missing About Worship

2 Things You Need to Know About Worship

3 Ways Our Worship Turns to Witchcraft

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  1. My mom and I are going to be doing this study together. I’m really looking forward to it!
    It’ll be a lovely bonus to read your insights each week.

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