How to Be a Woman of Great Faith

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Have you ever been in a place where all that you thought you knew about faith was suddenly on the line…

and you weren’t sure that faith is what you thought it is?

It’s easy to talk about faith, and even encourage others to “just have faith” when everything in our life is rainbows and roses.

But it’s entirely different when we’re faced with uncertainty and instability in life, and faith has gone from being nice platitudes to becoming a reality.

How to Be a Woman of Great Faith

I am sure it was that way for Abram.

By our earthly standard of success and prosperity, Abram was successful and prosperous.

He was very wealthy.

So, what did he need faith for? And yet, God called him out of his home country to a land of promise.

The thing is, God wouldn’t tell him where the land was.

Imagine Sarai’s reaction to Abram when he said, “We’re moving?” and Sarai says, “Where?” and Abram says, “I don’t know. God will lead us and we’ll know where there when He says we’re there.”

That’s every wife’s nightmare!

Nothing is certain. Everything is unstable. You’re hoping your husband is really hearing from God and not just following some pipe dream or having a mid-life crisis.

But one thing I’ve learned about faith is this:

Faith isn’t believing for what you want or need. Faith is trusting God will give you what He believes you need.

Faith is letting go of our idea of what we need and trusting God to give us His best.

And this takes incredible faith because it requires us to let go of the controls of our life entirely….

  • Choosing to not be anxious what what we think we need
  • Choosing to not micromanage God through prayer – constantly reminding Him of what we think we need
  • Choosing not to manipulate circumstances so that in the end we get what we think we need

This requires the faith to hand the situation over to God entirely and let Him bring the miracle He wants for our life.

This is so much easier said than done!

When the stakes are high….

Our financial security is on the line

Our house is about to go into foreclosure

Our kid’s future rests on the answer

Our career is in question

It is in these moments when the true strength of our faith comes into question. It is in these moments when we are faced with the question:

Can I really let go of the outcome of this situation and trust it entirely to God?

Yes, we know what we want, but the question is: Is what I want and what God has planned the same thing?

And can I really, truly trust God’s plan over my perceived wants and needs?

Abram came to this crossroad more than one time in his life; and even in his tremendous ability to trust God, he messed it up a time or two.

It is in his story that we discover the never-ending, overwhelming grace of God for fallen man.

Because Abram didn’t just mess it up a little – there were a couple of times he messed it up really big!

And yet, we still find him featured in the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11.

This is why it is called a walk of faith.

As our toddlers have to learn to walk, so we also have to learn to walk by faith.

As they stumble a lot at first, so we will also stumble a lot as we learn to walk by faith.

Just as we still stumble sometimes as adults – having mastered the skill of walking for 20, 30, 40, 50 or more years, so we will still stumble sometimes in this walk of faith – even when we have shown great faith before.

It’s a walk; and God doesn’t require perfection on our part.

Are you ready to get started?

What area do you need to trust to God’s almighty hands right now?

Are you ready to let go of that thing, and let God bring about His answer His way in His time?

You may need to battle many times throughout the day against your own tendency to control and micromanage; but purpose to battle through to victory.

And once you’ve gained the victory, be prepared to battle for that victory.

The enemy doesn’t want you stepping into this new realm of great faith; because he knows that when we have this kind of faith; nothing shall be impossible for us!

“For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” Mark 11:23-24

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

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