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  1. Such great points, Rosilind. We are so quick to lay out our needs and walk away but what does that accomplish? Yes, God cares about what is burdening us, but He wants intimacy and relationship. Not just a drive up and collect connection. Great word!

  2. This is an amazing post!! So truth!!! Thank you and I thank God for speaking to me through your post . God bless .

    1. Oh – I am so grateful that the Lord spoke to you through this.

  3. Pam Shonk says:

    Just this evening I was talking to the Lord about this. I am desperately working on my walk with the Lord and it still seems a bit disconnected. I believe this is one of the keys I needed. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh – praise God that this came to you at just the right time. That is just like God!

  4. I struggle with terms like “pray through “ Go deeper “ have more faith “ etc. Is time spent on our knees what He looks for, or is it the genuine heart ‘s desire that God responds to? I want a closeness to God so I can see his eyes and hear his voice. To me this comes from interacting with another person that is showing me an open and honest heart. It may be a person in need or one who brings a clear word of knowledge that resonates with my heart. I believe He hears me the first time and knows my heart. Does repeating my prayer over and over for an hour make it t any clearer to Him?

    1. I think certainly Evangelical Christianity has it’s phrases that perhaps grow meaningless when they are not paired with an authentic heart. But I also believe that many times these phrases are rooted in truth. We do need to pray through – because there are times when we kneel in prayer and before a change of heart can take place, we have to break through barriers and walls we’ve erected – much like how Daniel had to pray and warfare for several days before God’s message could get through. In prayer we battle ourselves, our thoughts, our walls, our unrepentant sins….but also the enemy who seeks to keep us from the deep, abiding, and growing relationship God wants to have with us by keeping us trite, shallow, and distant.

    2. Staying on your knees is not literal here. Many people can not get ontheir knees. Many have no knees. He is saying God should not be confused with the tooth fairy, Santa Clause, Genie in a bottle myth. He is saying it’s about taking time to build a relationship. Just you and God. Well.doing is good. But like Martha it is better to sit at His feet and recognize he wants a lot more you and him time. We can’t good deed our way to heaven pr God’s favor. The relationship is what fully equips us to do every good work to the glory of God.

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