Is Jesus Really Bigger Than Sunday – Podcast Episode #3

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So, I’ve seen this meme and t-shirt ad on Facebook a lot: “Jesus is bigger than Sunday”. And it’s had me thinking.

Yes, we know God is bigger than everything, but what is bigger message behind this catchy statement?

What does the Bible say and what does this mean for us in 2020; during COVID-19, pandemic, and lockdown? That is what we’re tackling in today’s podcast!

Below are all of the places you can find me and my podcast, or just watch the video here on Rumble or on YouTube.

Blog Posts I’ve Written on COVID-19

Covid-19 and the Canceling of the Church

3 Things the World Needs From the Church Right Now

3 Powerful Reasons We Need the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Now More Than Ever

3 Things That Have Made the Church Powerless In This Culture

4 Reasons Why You Need the Holy Spirit

10 Bible Verses On the Holy Spirit and Speaking in Tongues

How to Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

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