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  1. Just what I needed to hear. Thank you.

  2. I am grateful that when surfing the web I came across your blog. I needed to here this so much. I have been a man pleaser since I was a little girl. I tried pleasing my mother but it did not work. Thank you so much. and keep up the good work.

    1. This is so common when you grow up feeling like you could never please your parents. You spend the rest of your life trying to measure up.

      1. Thank you for your repy to bog comment. I really enjoy reading your blog.

  3. Hi Rosilind, Yes, I also tend to be a people pleaser, and some other things I wasn’t even aware of, but I’ve learned so much thru my “Safe People” class. I pray God will help me to focus on just me and if someone learns from my example, that’s great. My goal is to use more “I messages” and less “You messages.” And to stop talking so much and trying to influence others. 🙂

    1. Yes – using more “you messages”, talking less and listening more. That is so important!!

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