These 4 things are so simple, but they're dynamite! I totally need to do this. Brilliant!

4 Ways to Respond When You’re Out of Control {How to Have a Stress-Less Life week 4}

There is almost no worse feeling than the feeling that a situation with major implications is completely out of your control. I spent the entire day feeling desperate, depressed, and completely incapable of turning my situation around. If I’d had the power to fix it, I would have….days ago. But the ultimate decision didn’t rest…

Giving ourselves permission to disappoint ourselves and others frees us all to do what God has actually called us to!

Give Yourself Permission to Disappoint {How to Have a Stress-Less Life week 3}

I knew I had some really tough choices to make. My plate wasn’t just full, it was overflowing. It was cracking under the sheer volume of stuff I’d continued to pile on top of it. I was a hoarder; a chronic “yes” sayer. It wasn’t so much that I wasn’t in tune with how much…

Here are 3 ways you can determine what is urgent so you can focus on what really matters right now.

3 Ways to Differentiate the Urgent from the Important {How to Have a Stress-Less Life – Week 2}

I can’t believe it’s only been a year ago. I was weighed down by a metric ton of expectations and responsibilities: some perceived, some real, some mine, some from those around me, some genuinely urgent, some important, and some not important at all. Yes, I believe that God will not give us a burden we…