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  1. Yes, yes, and more YES. For years I had been trying to rectify the disconnect that I continually heard between the Torah and the rest of scripture. It was by the hand of God that we were led back to retrace our steps alongside of His to return to Torah to understand our place with Him. It is not “easy” to find the balance between the two for many, BUT when we understand the heart of God it brings everything into such clarity.

    I liken it to my marriage with my husband. Do I have “rules” about our relationship that he really must obey if we are to actually stay together? Absolutely! Adultery is not optional. It is not just “accepted” and “ok.” Mistreatment and disrespect are also not acceptable practices towards me. And these same rules flip around for me to extend back out towards him. So, we have our marital “laws,” BUT because of the extreme love we have for each other that is full of mutual respect, appreciation, and thanksgiving, we are happy to abide by these “laws” purely because they protect the beautiful relationship we both hold at such high value.

    It is no different with our Abba. He has told us in no uncertain terms the kinds of things that break His heart and injure Him. When we dismiss those things as no longer relevant, we are saying that our relationship with Him is no longer worth the discomfort of the “rules.” In essence, HE is not worth the effort to respect His Way of extending relationship. But, for those of us who love Him, we deeply want to know the things He loves, because we want to show Him love back in response to the amazing love and grace He bestows upon us. The love is mutual and it flows freely.

    Thanks for the wonderful reminder. In Him, shalom.

    1. “When we dismiss those things as no longer relevant, we are saying that our relationship with Him is no longer worth the discomfort of the “rules.” In essence, HE is not worth the effort to respect His Way of extending relationship.”
      AMEN!!! So well said!

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