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  1. Thank you so much for this article. I am in a difficult position. I would not say our church is teaching heresy but they are moving in this seeker sensitive direction. So the messages are just very watered down. They are not saying things that are not true, but they don’t really teach the whole counsel of scripture and just focus on emotional issues, human relationships, charitable work. He does focus on encouraging us to reach the lost. But the weekly messages are not pulled from the Bible. They are a preset topic about one of the three areas I mentioned (emotions/struggles/healing, relationships/caring for others, charitable work, and missions). So the topic is selected then there are a lot of stories and Bible stories are just pulled out to show and point and frequently they are out of context and rarely to never focus on what God is doing just what the humans are doing.

    So, there is not error, just a lack on focus on who God is, His character, His nature, and deeper understandings of theology. I think it is when we view God we love Him more, we understand better who we are in relation to Him and then are moved by the power of the Spirit through the supernatural working of His word to change, move along the path towards sanctification and that motivates us to charitable works and missions. There is just such a lack of focus on the Word and on God, even the worship songs focus more on encouragement than worship. This is fine in proper proportion – the Bible tells us to encourage each other – but again it is an profound imbalance where is seems all we do is talk about us instead of on God.

    Secondly, the elders pushed this new direction in a very heavy handed way and showed little humility or love toward those who were concerned and they keep just selecting elders from their same group of buddies. The way they have handled it has made me lose a lot of trust in them and faith in their leadership and in the leading of the Spirit in their lives.

    Where is the hunger for the Word and to reflect on God and His work? When this is mentioned they say we have enough Bible study we need to do more service and works. there is enough orthodoxy we need more orthopraxy. I would say, no, we need both. And the thing is, our church was always very involved in outside ministries and missions, the most active church in our region and we have always been committed to fostering (social services knows our church for the extent of our involvement here), feeding the poor, sponsoring low income schools with tutoring, monthly care drives, volunteering, etc. First responder ministries, at risk youth programs, outreach ministry to foreign students, outreach to non-english speakers, it goes on and on.

    So, it is not like we had an imbalance. We had been balanced between the Word and works. They are creating an imbalance.And the thing is there is so much Biblical illiteracy and for them to thing we need less Bible Study is so wrong.

    But we still have a Bible-centered Sunday School and a good monthly small group also Bible centered.

    So, you see the problem. There is not heresy per say just a watering down of the church service along the lines of the seeker sensitive movement where you want to give tips to make life better so the unchurched want to keep coming to church and then slowly expose them to more of the gospel.

    So I am just torn. I basically have to listen to other teachers on the radio to get teaching and have no one to provide spiritual leadership right now. (My husband and I teach the Sunday School). Once a month at small group we get taught but that is it.

    1. I guess I should add that in a way there may not be heresy, but there is certainly error in the fact that the Word of God is not central to worship and that the Word does not transform people and convict the lost through the power of the Spirit but human psychology is more effective at generating change and if we make unchurched (and yes, not lost people they talk about unchurched people) just start liking church because it meets their felt needs then this will ultimately lead them to Christ.

    2. I believe this is a growing problem everywhere. There does need to be a balance of faith and works, the problem is when we think our works will be more received or have more meaning if there is less faith. This when the church loses its vision and purpose and becomes more of a social club.

  2. I could not leave my church quietly. My sisters and I were sexually abused by the bishop and we have to get the law involved. The pastor wanted me to stay quiet so that other’s faith would not waver.That in itself causes quite a stir. This is the church my family left TO after leaving a cult where I was also sexually abused. I don’t know, maybe my mother is just drawn to dysfunctional churches. I understand the gathering of the saints but this will not happen a third time. My thing is, if a person loses faith in God because of someone else’s sins then they didn’t worship God, they worshipped the leader. I know God for myself, hes been with and for me through everything and I will always love him but I can’t do church anymore. It has been like this my whole life.

    1. Lorna bauman wyss says:


      I am so glad you see the difference between worshiping God and worshiping the leader! I would encourage you to read in the New Testament about the description of believer’s meetings. You may be able to find a safe place to meet and discuss and pray and encourage with others of like mind, but outside of the formal church settings that our culture has built. At least search for a Godly friend with whom you may pray when needed so there can be two in agreement (Matthew 18:19-20), and maybe help you walk in line with the Lord. Blessings as you continue your journey of faith.

  3. It does make sense to find a church that helps spread the gospel of God and how good they are to mankind. I got curious about Christian churches and I wanted to learn more about them after seeing ads that offer worship services. I’ll probably recommend this to my friend so he could try investing his life in the Bible and God by attending online church!

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