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  1. It is high time Christians take a stand for the truth according to gospel not according to denominational creeds, beliefs and sugarcoated doctrines regardless of societal appeals????.

    This is a generation who don’t want to hear the truth or even check the scriptures to see if what they are taught match up.

    The WORD is for correction, reproof, doctrine…. It is the life of every believer.

    Keep the fire burning, sister .

  2. I have mixed feelings.

    How ARE we to bring people to Christ who are lgbtq if we are harsh and judgmental? Why is this the issue so many focus solely on and not people who gossip, lie, have children out of wedlock? Are those not all just as sinful? My understanding is that all sin is equal in God’s eyes, whether it’s someone who is gay or someone who is cheating on a spouse or someone who’s committed murder.

    I DO get what you’re saying — I agree it’s a sin. But how do we bring lgbtq people to God without being at least somewhat inclusive?

    1. Love the sinner but hate the sin

  3. Very solid position. We as Christians need to stand for the word of God where it does say that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). But we can rejoice in verse 11 where it says, “such were some of you; but you were washed…in the name of Jesus Christ.”

    We don’t judge them for they already stand judged by God. We love them and preach Christ to them. Christ died for them like he died for all sinners, myself included.

  4. Jason Redvers Latham says:

    This is a startlingly perspicacious evaluation of a present danger in the body. I have just been told that the majority of people want gay marriage to be accepted by the Church of England together with the constant broadcast of something called Jewish Voice which urges Christian’s to go back on their commitment to Christ and use the Jewish calendar and feast days. I never comprehended that the absolute obsession with social and racial justice among certain Christian could be seen as Judaising and what St Paul deemed to be another gospel. I understand this now perfectly thanks to what you have written, I am also deeply disturbed by people who want to alter the appearance of Jesus in favour of their own race and even deny the fact that God is male and OurFather . Race now preoccupies these believers and often no other race save the black race. I wonder what will come of this . History is being rewritten as well as the biblical tradition and legends myths and stories stand in place of how God really came to us in a definite milieu and at a verifiable time. If we deny this or add to this in any way we lose the gift of salvation. His own received Him not…but to those who received Him… God has left us law to be observed regarding behaviour and if even the Church says what is evil can be taken as good and what is good classed as evil then the Antichrist has arisen for they will deny that Christ has come in the flesh.What exactly this means has been perfectly delineated in discussion like yours and mine. God be merciful to us all and maybe it is better to light one candle than curse the darkness.

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