How to Share Your Faith – Resources – Week 3

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We are now going into our 3rd week of this study “How to Share Your Faith.”

I am so happy that we’re back here together again. I pray that God’s Word will strength you in your faith and encourage you to share with all those He puts in your life.

Here are the resources designed to help you dive deeper into God’s Word.

Reading plan for this week:

Grab the workbook for this study in your study group or by putting your email in below:

Find our study groups here:

Good Morning Girls in the Word on Facebook (Please answer the questions to be approved)
GMG in the Word on Whatsapp
Good Morning Girls in the Word on Telegram

Bible Verses and Questions of the Day:

Monday: Matthew 9:37-38

Tuesday: Psalm 105:1

What comes out of our mouth is so important. Every word we speak testifies of what is happening in our life right now.

Whose works are being made known through your words and actions? Are you speaking more negativity than praise to God?

Wednesday: Proverbs 11:30

I really love this verse because throughout the whole book of Proverbs we read how we can live as a wise man. In this verse we see two things: the righteous man brings fruit (Galatians 5:22-23), which gives life to those around him, and the wise man wins souls.

Are you winning souls?

Thursday: Matthew 28:19

Maybe you don’t feel that God has called to “all nations” as a missionary, but you can reach many, many people right where you are with what is sitting on your desk or what you’re holding in your hand right now.

What is one way you can use social media and the Internet to make disciples of all nations?

Friday: Acts 1:8

The disciples still thought that Jesus came to reform the nation of Israel. Jesus was calling them to be laborers for the kingdom of heaven until He returns. As children of God, we need to live actively, not passively. We have a job to do while we’re here on Earth, to win as many souls as we can for Christ.

What can you do today to live actively for the kingdom of God? Name one thing.

Where Can You Follow This Study?


Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I will be posting the resources and blog posts for this study.

Facebook and Instagram:

A Little Time With Jesus Facebook page and Instagram

Private study Groups:

Good Morning Girls in the Word on Facebook (Please answer the questions to be approved)
GMG in the Word on Whatsapp
Good Morning Girls in the Word on Telegram

Good Morning Girls in the Word offers the necessary accountability for women who want to stay consistent in daily Bible reading and prayer, so they can grow in the walk with the Lord.

Find a comfortable place to read the word, open your Bible (along with a steaming cup of coffee or tea), and soak in all that God has for you each day!

I want to wish you a wonderful week in God’s Word

See you back here on Wednesday and Friday

Find all the free resources for this study here below:

This colorful gospel tract is so simple and easy to use and makes a perfect gift as a bookmark. Grab your free download today! #alittlerandr #evangelism #gospel #Jesuschrist Bible
When someone wont listen to the gospel, we often feel like we've failed. Here is how we should respond instead and a printable prayer card. #alittlerandr #prayer #prayercard #salvation

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