How to Share Your Faith – Resources – Week 4

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Here we are in the final week of our study. I hope it has been encouraging, and that as you read God’s Word it has brought fruit into your life.

My prayer is that what you’ve received will bring forth 100-fold in your life and that the Holy Spirit will continue to speak and teach you as you come before the Heavenly Father in prayer and intercession, and that He will help us walk in humility before Him.

That our hearts will be teachable and ready to receive instruction in Jesus’ name.

Here is what our final week will look like.

Reading plan for this week:

Grab the workbook for this study in your study group or by putting your email in below:

Find our study groups here:

Good Morning Girls in the Word on Facebook (Please answer the questions to be approved)
GMG in the Word on Whatsapp
Good Morning Girls in the Word on Telegram

Bible Verses and Questions of the Day:

Monday: 2 Peter 3:9

As God’s children, we’ve been waiting for more than 2,000 years for Jesus’ return. There are those who claim there is no heaven or hell. Some reject the idea that Jesus could return any day. Yet, today we have read why the Father delays; it is because He is so patient with us and does not want any to perish!

Is there someone in your life for whom you have prayed a long time? How does this verse encourage you to continue to pray for their soul?

Tuesday: Ezekiel 11:19

Do you know someone who used to walk with God, but has drifted away from Him, just as Israel did?

How does this promise from Ezekiel encourage you to keep hope alive in your heart, to persevere in prayer for their return?

Wednesday: John 14:6

Jesus is the only way to the Father. He is the personification of truth and life. We cannot come to the Father except through Him. We cannot know the truth about God except through Jesus. We cannot have eternal life except through Him.

How does this change how you pray for the unsaved loved ones in your life?

Thursday: 2 Timothy 2:25-26

In the last several years we have witnessed an ever-increasing resistance to the gospel. Each day we see Christians and Christianity mocked in the news and on TV and in the movies. As Christians, we are tempted to fight back. But Paul, in these verses, instructs us to correct in humility. Our goal is always authentic repentance and salvation.

How do you think Christians should respond in these times when our faith is under attack?

Friday: James 5:16b

Maybe you’ve shared your faith, perhaps many times, but only to have your words rejected. Prayer can do far more than our words could ever do.

In what way does this verse encourage you to continue praying and believing for your lost friends and loved ones to receive Christ?

Where Can You Follow This Study?


Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I will be posting the resources and blog posts for this study.

Facebook and Instagram:

A Little Time With Jesus Facebook page and Instagram

Private study Groups:

Good Morning Girls in the Word on Facebook (Please answer the questions to be approved)
GMG in the Word on Whatsapp
Good Morning Girls in the Word on Telegram

Good Morning Girls in the Word offers the necessary accountability for women who want to stay consistent in daily Bible reading and prayer, so they can grow in the walk with the Lord.

Find a comfortable place to read the word, open your Bible (along with a steaming cup of coffee or tea), and soak in all that God has for you each day!

I want to wish you a wonderful week in God’s Word

See you back here on Wednesday and Friday

Find all the free resources for this study here below:

This colorful gospel tract is so simple and easy to use and makes a perfect gift as a bookmark. Grab your free download today! #alittlerandr #evangelism #gospel #Jesuschrist Bible
When someone wont listen to the gospel, we often feel like we've failed. Here is how we should respond instead and a printable prayer card. #alittlerandr #prayer #prayercard #salvation

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