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  1. Lori Metzger says:

    Loved this article! Much needed at this time and season of my life!!!

  2. From what you’re describing as spiritual warfare, I doubt you have any idea of what a real and intense spiritual warfare is and the fatigue that results from it. It is not the same as physical fatigue, although that is one of the manifestations. Spiritual battle is much more than just fighting our laziness in the morning. It really sounds like you have no idea what it’s like to be battered by blows from the enemy and rained by fiery darts from demons. YOU HAVE NO IDEA, Lady. You have no idea what it’s like to be tired of it all, to be asking where God is and why he leaves you in the battlefield alone. You doesn’t seem to have fought intense attacks from the enemy or uncanny situations that are just cannot be explained by logic or science. To equate spiritual battle with a battle with yourself whether or not to wake up in the morning when you’re still tired means you really don’t know spiritual warfare fatigue. Battling physical fatigue in bed in the morning is a self-discipline battle, not necessarily a spiritual battle. I don’t think you have experienced so many deaths and losses in a short time period and/or other life events that seem to be orchestrated against you over and over again. Now that IS EXTREMELY EXHAUSTING. Your examples of ‘spiritual warfare’ is an INSULT to those who really are experiencing spiritual warfare! If you really have experienced spiritual warfare, those little battles in your mind to decide whether to wake up or not is NOTHING compared to real spiritual warfare that is really costing your life. I bet you have not battled with whether or not to stay alive today or to kill yourself. I bet you don’t know what it’s like to be tormented by the devil day in and out to the point that you are crying out to God begging for His Mercy. The torment is so intense that you can’t make any meaning of life anymore at all sometimes. I bet you have never lived a life so full of turns of event that it just doesn’t make any sense anymore. You ponder about your decisions, but it always always seems there is another force that blocks or sabotages you! THAT’S a real spiritual warfare! And it is freaking EXHAUSTING. Christians like you are the real stumbling blocks! You paint life as a rose garden and heck you minimize spiritual warfare with your own version of it. YOU HAVE NO IDEA, Missy! Keep drinking your tea in a blustery fall evening with your boys in your rose garden in Croatia! Smh

    1. I am sorry that you found this post offensive. To be fair, though, this post is only one post of several posts I’ve written on spiritual warfare – some of which delve much deeper into the subject than this one. However, the assumption than I’ve not dealt with warfare beyond turning my alarm off in the morning is an unfair one to make. If you read my blog, or follow me on social media, you know that I have dealt with a lot of loss in my life, I have been dealt a lot of blows that have left me stunned and grappling for answers. I, too, have had moments where I’ve contemplated taking my life. Spiritual warfare is something I am intimately acquainted with. But this is why reading one blog post doesn’t give you a comprehensive look at the entirety of my thoughts and experiences on the subject – as opposed to reading an entire volume. I encourage you to look at the list of links I have below the post, as well as check out some of the Bible studies that I have written (especially my study on the book of Ephesians), where I delve even more deeply into the subject. But know that even these are not comprehensive in nature as I am currently still writing on the subject. Such are blogs – ongoing diaries of what we’ve learned, as opposed to books, which have a beginning and an end.

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