A Simple Beginner Blogger Course

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I am not a doctor, none of the information on any of these pages pertaining to the Ketogenic Diet or Adrenal Fatigue should be considered medical advice and should not replace the care of your personal physician. I am simply eager to share the information I have learned while on my own journey to health. Before you embark on this journey, please consult with your physician.

Looking back just 10 years ago I could have never dreamed that I would be a Bible study blogger….or even a blogger at all. I didn’t even know what a blogger was 10 years ago!

If there is anything I know for certain it is this:

I could never just stay at home just keep house. 

Woman typing at a desk with a cup of coffee next to her

It’s not that I have an aversion to keeping house, quite the contrary. I love being a stay-at-home mom and I love housekeeping.

I love caring for my husband and children and I love cooking.

I love it that my husband never has to do laundry or dishes, ironing or cleaning, getting the boys dressed for bed or any of the duties that have traditionally fallen to the wife.

I take great joy in doing all of those things. I love being a traditional wife.

But I also have this deep drive for something more.

I have a deep need to always be reaching outside of myself to help someone else. And when I could no longer get up and go places anytime I wanted, because of nap times, diaper changes, dinners to make and laundry to fold, I knew that it was time to rethink how I do ministry.

At a time when many people are concerned about social media and Internet addiction, I chose to use this amazing medium for good.

No, I couldn’t physically leave my house anytime I wanted, but I could still reach out day and night right from my living room couch with the simple click of a mouse.

I became a Bible study blogger!

While A Little R & R didn’t start out to be just a Bible study blog, I had a lot of ideas and thoughts churning around inside of me, needing to get out.

As a fledgling blogger I had no idea what I was doing.

What is worse, I didn’t know how to get my thoughts out in front of people. I would post blog posts and maybe two people would see them….on a good day.

It was thrilling to hit publish….but frustrating when no one read what I wrote.

While it’s true that I would write whether anyone read my blog posts or not, evidenced by the numerous Word documents on my hard drive that have never seen the light of day, I still had a passion to encourage women with my writing.

But how could I encourage women when no one saw what I was writing?

This question led to the experiments and research I have done over the past 6 1/2 years that I’ve been blogging, and that has led to where I am now.

I have made every blogging mistake ever made….and a few no one has even thought of yet.

But, the blogging journey has been remarkable!

When I started A Little R & R on March 27, 2010 I never dreamed I’d have over 16,000 Pinterest followers, 11,000+ email subscribers and over 4,000 Facebook fans. I never dreamed I would be doing Bible studies and publishing books!

It never occurred to me to dream that big!

Maybe a Bible study blog isn’t your thing.

Maybe you have these mad homemaking or DIY skills that you could pass on to others.

Perhaps you have a degree in finance or education….maybe you’re a doula or an aerobics instructor and wish you could help other women with what you know.

Well you can!

Now that you have an awesome idea for a blog….I’ll help you get it started, teach you some basic writing techniques, show you have to run social media and even help you grow you blog and launch your first product!

No joke!

I’m not kidding here!!

Several years ago, I created a comprehensive blogging course called A Simple Beginner Blogger Course.

A Simple Beginner Blogger Course will take you from the ground floor of opening a blog to teaching you writing techniques, running social media, starting a mailing list, growing your blog, and launching your first product.

It’s about coming alongside of you and showing you the ropes.


A Simple Beginner Blogger Course

Have you recently started a blog but feel discouraged because you aren’t getting noticed?

  • You’re intimidated by all the social media options.
  • You feel like you just don’t understand how to successfully promote your blog.
  • You’ve considered starting a blog, but just haven’t taken the plunge yet.
  • You need someone to hold your hand while you dive into the blogosphere.

I’m here for you!

Hi! I am Rosilind and I’ve been blogging since 2010.

I have made every blogging mistake a blogger can make, and a few no one has ever thought of. But I’m still here, going strong.

The truth is that in over 10 years of blogging, I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons.

I’ve not only learned what not to do, but I’ve learned what will work to make a blog successful.

That is why I created A Simple Beginner Blogger Course!

It’s about coming alongside of you and showing you the ropes.

The Ultimate Beginner Blogger Course is a 10-week course during which you will learn:

  • How to start a blog
  • How to write an engaging post
  • How to create pinnable graphics
  • How to successfully run social media
  • How to promote and market your blog
  • How to grow your mailing list

Here is an outline of A Simple Beginner Blogger Course

5 Things You Need to Set Up a Blog

3 Things Every Blog Post Needs to Have

How to Write Amazing Blog Content

How to Make Images That Rock on Pinterest

How to Set Up a Mailing List

3 Pages Your Blog Needs Right Now

3 Ways to Grow Your Blog

Using Pinterest to Grow Your Blog

How to Create a Free Printable Download

How to Keep Your Blog Moving Forward

With this course you will also have access to a private Facebook group where you can ask me questions and receive helpful advice!

Sign up and start learning today about how to start and grow your blog!

Follow Me

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  1. This is great timing. I have an idea and feel like I have direction for my blog. Like what you said, “How can I encourage women if no one is reading.” That is where I am at. I want to create a mailing list, and know how to send emails. I want to be able to great a giveaway and also something to sell.

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