Our List of Read Aloud Books + **FREE** Book Club Printable

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My family did a lot of read-alouds in the fall and winter evenings.

These are some of my favorite memories. As my mom or dad would read, I would be carried off to Avonlea, to a little house on a prairie, to an abandoned boxcar, or to a spine-tingling mystery.

Also, this was an opportunity for my parents to introduce us to amazing heroes of the faith: like Gladys Alyward, George Mueller, John Hyde, David Wilkerson, and others.

Mother sitting on bed reading to child at night

I am continuing this tradition with my own kids.

I told my kids just the other day how excited I am that fall is setting in. Soon, it will be dusk at 4:00 PM and the evenings will be practically half our day.

This gives us so much time flying off to fun adventures all over the world – and I am super-excited.

So, here is our list of read aloud books for this year

We currently do read-aloud time during breakfast. Since I typically don’t eat breakfast, this is a perfect time for me to read a chapter out of our read-aloud book as a part of school.

But, as the days are already growing shorter, soon we won’t be outside chatting with neighbors in the evenings, and we will have ample time to read together as a family.

1. Farmer Boy (find it here)

We have already started this book as a part of our breakfast read-aloud time. My kids loved Little House in the Big Woods, which we read last year. So, it’s fun to continue this series.

I did order all seasons of Little House on Vudu, so it will be fun to get to the next book so we can sort of watch and read at the same time.

2. Prince and the Pauper (find it here)

We are studying the Middle Ages in history this year, and so this book is going to fit right in. They’ve already watched the Disney version of this movie, and we’ll watch it again when we’re doing reading the book.

I am just as excited, because Prince and the Pauper was a favorite movie for me growing up!

3. Treasures of the Snow (Croatian translation) (find it here in English)

We have started this book twice already, back when our oldest was still attending a brick-and-mortar school, but we always ran out of time to read.

Also, my children had trouble understanding this book so I spent as much time explaining as I did reading. They just weren’t ready.

But, they are older now and I think it’s the right time, and this book makes a perfect December read!

4. Sugar Creek Gang – the Swamp Robber (find it here)

Okay – these books were some of my most favorite growing up. Right up there with Nancy Drew, Boxcar Children, and Hardy Boys. I loved these books and I can’t wait to introduce my kids to them.

5. Little House on the Prairie (Croatian Translation) (find it here in English)

One of the things I’m trying very hard to do is balance books in English with books in Croatian, because we are a bilingual home.

I discovered recently that this book is translated in Croatian and that that translation is a very good one. So, I can’t wait to grab this one and read it with my kids.

6. The Adventures of Robin Hood (find it here)

Here is another book on our list for history reading. This should be great fun. We have the 1938 Robin Hood Movie with Errol Flynn – another one of my favorite movies growing up – and so we’ll definitely have a family movie night when we’re done with this book.

7. No Mountain Too High (Trailblazers book about Gladys Alyward) (find it here)

One of the traditions I want to keep with my kids is using read-aloud time to introduce my kids to heroes of the faith. Gladys Alwayrd was a missionary to China at the turn of the century. She made an enormous impact on China at that time.

She lived an exciting life with so much adventure! When we’re done with this book, we’ll watch Inn of the Sixth Happiness with Ingrid Bergman.

There is also The Small Woman with a Great God, and a Torchlighters movie based on her life.

8. Surprise Island – Boxcar Children Book 2 (find it here)

We read the first book in the Boxcar Children series last year and my kids absolutely loved it. We had started this one last year but got distracted at only a couple of chapters in, so we’ll be starting this one over and finishing it this year.

9. The Middle Ages: An Interactive History Adventure (You Choose Books) (find it here)

This is a book I saw recommended for kids studying the Middle Ages. The reviews looked very good, so I thought I’d take a chance on it and see how my kids like this series.

10. The Knight at Dawn (Magic Treehouse) (find it here)

Yet another fun Middle Ages adventure book

Do you do read-alouds with your kids?

What books do they love best?

What do they love to do while you’re reading aloud to them?

One thing that would make read-alouds, and reading in general, more fun is to form a book club!! Your kids can get together with their friends and form a book club where they talk about what they’re reading and the books they love best.

Below is a free printable Book Club packet.

This packet includes a cover page where your kids can write their Book Club details, a page where they can write the details of the book they read and rate it, and finally a page where they can draw a picture from the book they read.

You can get this Book Club Printable Packet for free when you put your email in below:

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One Comment

  1. Magic Treehouse books involve magic and since that is not godly you may want to reconsider reading these to avoid opening doors to unwanted evil spirits.

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