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  1. Rosilind, thank you so much for this post! What an encouragement it is for me! I too have an insanely impossible dream, and it is somehow similar to yours: I hope to be able to earn enough money from home throug translating, to be able to stay at home with our sweet daughter. I have two more years of time to make it happend. Currently I cannot see how this can happend. But I feel this is Gods dream for me and my family. So I try to faithfully follow His lead and take the small steps He is showing me. And exercise my faith and trust in Him!
    Cant wait for your next posts, as a little encouragement and inspiration is always appreciated here. 🙂

    1. Ivana – I looove you dream! I absolutely love working from home. Every year it gets better. I have some amazing things planned this year, and I really pray the Lord will be glorified as I continue to move forward.

    2. Dear Rosilind, I really enjoyed this post. I have always been a big dreamer since childhood, and now that I’m 50 and changing my career path it’s really scary. As a single mom of four, my greatest fear is that my children will never see me succeed. I’m not sure what God has in my path, but I pray that my dreams and desires please him and happen for me someday. Your beautiful & your blog is a blessing.

      1. Christina – what you shared is so raw and authentic. Honestly, while I think we all reach for success, and there are things we can do to make our dreams happen, sometimes true success can’t be measured by achievement. There are many successful people who will never be known for anything they’ve done….but the lives they’ve touched – and will continue to touch even after they’ve gone – is a legacy that no achievement or amount of money can compare with. I hope that encourages you.

  2. Thanks Rosilind, I think this year is the year to dig in and blog properly, which also requires me to switch over from blogger to a more professional site. I’m thinking of doing Arabah Joys blogging course, which she put together after doing Ruth Soukup’s course.

    1. Those are really great courses! I made that switch early last year and haven’t regretted it. It was much easier than I thought, and I’m very happy on WP.

  3. I really want to kick my blog into gear, too. Today I blogged about what feels like an insanely impossible dream (our BHAG) of paying off debt. If I can get some income from my blog, then I could throw that towards the debt and move on to some real dreams. 🙂

    1. What an awesome dream! I hope you check back for the rest of the series. I think you’ll really benefit from it.

  4. Incredible post, Rosilind! (Love your name by the way.) I think this is my first time visiting with you, but I’m subscribing and I’ll definitely be back! Thank you so much for sharing! GOD bless you, beautiful friend!

    1. Oh thank you! You have a lovely name, too! I am so glad you stopped by!

  5. Rosilind!
    I’m all over dreaming big!!! Can’t WAIT to join you in the series this month!!!
    Thanks for sharing at Coffee & Conversation – and yeah, we featured you again. Hope you’re not getting tired of appearing over there – LOL!

  6. What an awesome dream! I have a similar passion. I love writing and building into the lives of others. I also have the goal of being more available for my children. It’s neat to hear that your dream is starting to fall into place. I have a long way to go still, but am slowly starting to gain momentum. I love watching the positive impact that writing and blogging has, and the interactive communities that form. Thanks for sharing your own dream and journey toward achieving it–it brings me hope that mine is possible too!

    1. What an awesome dream! Keep at it, don’t give up and it will happen!

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