4 Things to Know About Starting a Blog

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Have you ever wanted to start a blog and just didn’t know where to start?

Maybe you looked at what some of the big bloggers out there do, with beautiful websites, gorgeous printables, and amazing pictures that look good enough to be in a magazine…

and you’ve said to yourself, “I could never do that!”

And so you just decided that blogging isn’t for you.

But what if I told you that it really isn’t all that hard to start a blog, and that you don’t have know all of that stuff to get started.

4 Things to Know About Starting a Blog | If you're considering starting a blog, here are 4 things you should know to help give you a successful start. #alittlerandr #blogging #blogger #momblogger #entrepreneur #onlinebusiness

When I started blogging in March of 2010, I didn’t know anything at all.

  • I didn’t know that you can’t just Google search an image and use it on your blog.
  • I didn’t know how to write well.
  • I didn’t know what it meant to have a “voice”.
  • I didn’t know anything about blog design or social media.

All I knew is that I had a message on my heart to share, and I needed to share it.

But over time, I’ve learned all of these things and more; and God has graciously sent people to A Little R & R to read what He has put on my heart to share.

4 Things to Know About Starting a Blog

Here’s the thing, I am not going to lie to you. It is easy to start a blog, but it’s not always easy to maintain it.

As with anything, if you are determined to make it work, you’ll succeed.

But here’s what you need to ask yourself: Are you starting a blog as a hobby or as a business; because maintaining a blog as a hobby is easier than maintaining it as a business.

1. Blogging takes work

Blogging isn’t like it used to be when I started.

There are a ton of blogs out there, and takes a lot of work and effort to stand out in the crowd. But if you are passionate about what is on your heart, you’ll make it work.

The question I’ve asked myself in those times when I wondered if blogging was worth it to me is, “If I didn’t have a blog, would I still write?”

The answer is yes.

A thousand times yes!

So, it’s been worth it to me to keep coming back, to keep learning, to keep growing – and as I’ve grown, my blog has grown.

2. It’s not free

Yes, there are free platforms you can start with, such as Blogger and free WordPress, but if you’re going to grow your blog, you’ll need to make some investment.

But it’s up to you to determine how much and where you’ll invest.

One of the best investments you’ll make is in learning. The blogging courses worth taking are the ones that cost a bit of money.

But here’s the thing, you don’t have to spend a lot of money.

If you’re a beginner blogger, there is no point in spending $150 for a course. The chances that you’ll make that money back in blog revenue very soon is doubtful.

Sign up for my blogging course today! You get lifetime access to the course and personal access to me in a private Facebook group!

When you sign up today, you’ll get 30% with the coupon code: blogger

3. You need a niche

I used to be a random blogger. My blog posts in one week alone would range from a pregnancy diary to theology, from a recipe to “Wordless Wednesday”, which I was rocking with my old point-and-shoot.

Then I’d top the week off with some marriage advice; and my freebie was a free eBook of chemical-free cleaning recipes.

I was all over the map and nothing connected.

It’s no wonder that my readership at that point was very small.

People like to know what you’re about, and they like to know what to expect when they visit your blog. I’ve since learned a lot, and people know that when they visit A Little R & R, they’ll read about Bible study and theology.

4. If you have a passion to share something, you can become a blogger

I am often asked by readers and friends whether or not I think they can start a blog.

My answer is the same every time: Of course!!

If you have something to say, you can start a blog. Whether it’s something from the Bible or whether it’s an amazing recipe you created.

It could be a parenting tip that you have found works with your kids or financial advice.

If you live on a farm, it could be homesteading tips and how to care for livestock; if you are a techie, you could offer tips and hacks, and even advice on what gadgets to buy and what ones to stay away from.

There are as many blog ideas out there as are people on the planet!

Sign up for my blogging course today! New classes start September 24, 2018. You get lifetime access to the course and personal access to me in a private Facebook group!

When you sign up today, you’ll get 30% with the coupon code: blogger

Have you considered becoming a blogger? Here's my story about how I became a blogger and a blogger course I've designed to help you get started and succeed.

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