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  1. Thank you for this post.

  2. I am in complete agreement with you on this subject. I have to limit my time on FB because I run into these ridiculous posts being shared by my Christian brothers and sisters. It saddens me that fellow Christians are buying into a lot of the fake news being passed off as real, but I have had to come to the same conclusion, I can’t change them.

  3. Rosilind, this is what has sealed my decision. Discussing anything remotely political has hurt my page, made me a target of social media decision makers, made me upset and taken my focus of the Lord to some degree! Thank you!:D

    1. It is so easy to do, isn’t it? And it’s hard because we want to spread truth, but we’re often so limited on the platforms where we have the most influence!

  4. I was just discussing this with myself earlier. Talking in private amongst friends and family is one thing. But when you post on fb, ppl will be offended. Your friends may agree with you and think it’s funny or whatever, but the damage spreads farther than you think it will. I would rather spread unity like you said, than offend someone about something that won’t matter one day. After all, we are pilgrims here. This world is not our home. One thing I love that my friend says, when someone asks her what she thinks about this or that, is “I DON’T think about it.” She also says she can’t vote for someone who agrees with taking innocent lives (abortion). To me, that’s a very honorable answer.

    1. Yes – we must remember that we are just passing through, this world is not our home. While many political platforms are based on eternal, biblical principles, many are not. We must remember to remain vigilant and not drawn into needless debate, but pray for wisdom to know how to use the influence we have been given in this great earthly country!

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