Joy For Homeschooling Moms

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A must read book for all homeschooling moms. Joy in the Journey is a book of encouragement for homeschooling families.

We were among the first homeschooling families in our community.  People thought we were strange, that we’d grow up uneducated, that we would be unsocialized freaks, and that our chances for higher education had just been washed down the drain.

None of these proved to be true.

My mom homeschooled for 14 years. She took me home half-way through my 4th grade year and homeschooled me through 12th grade, and proceeded to homeschool each of my siblings through their senior years as well.


I have the highest respect for her! I cannot imagine how exhausting it must have been. Long hours of school prep, teaching, grading papers. Weekends spent planning, evenings preparing for the next school day, early mornings spent preparing for the day.

We are grown.  We have children of our own now.

And the scenario is played out much the same for my sister, who has 4 children ranging from 6 – 11 years.

Just in a different country.

A country where homeschooling is illegal.  A country where the idea is ludicrous to most.  While America has more-or-less proved the arguments against homeschooling to be unfounded, and has witnessed the overwhelmingly positive test results from homeschooled students (as opposed to the results from students in public schools), the debate here in Croatia – and much of Europe – has only just begun.

As a homeschool graduate, I was honored to be asked to review Lori Hatcher’s book “Joy in the Journey – Encouragement for Homeschooling Moms“.

Reviewing the book brought back a flood of memories from the “other side of the desk” – the student’s perspective. And it had me pondering my own reasons for wanting to homeschool my own wee children – as I begin preschool with my oldest son this fall.

Joy in the Journey – Encouragement for Homeschooling Moms” is a weekly devotional book that follows the traditional school year.  Each chapter ends with application questions, action steps, and a prayer.  I found it very inspiring and encouraging and couldn’t wait to share it with you!

She shares about her own joys and struggles with her 17-year homeschooling journey.

I highly recommend this book to every homeschooling mom, or mom who is contemplating homeschooling. As you read this devotional, ask yourself the thought-provoking questions and take the action steps she carefully lays out, I believe you will find renewed strength and purpose in the journey of homeschooling.

Joy in the Journey – Encouragement for Homeschooling Moms” comes in an eBook format at a very, very low price, or in paperback.

Below is more information about this book and links to order your own copy.  Please visit her blog “Hungry for God, Starving For Time”.

Joy In the Journey ~ Encouragement for Homeschooling MomsJoy In the Journey ~ Encouragement for Homeschooling Moms


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  1. Rosind, you have humbled me with your kind words. May God be glorified and many sweet, hard-working homeschool moms be encouraged! My prayers are with you as you begin your own adventure. ~Lori

  2. Oh Rosilind, you review was just wonderful, especially that you were homeschooled. What a blessing you are to your parents as you start to homeschool with preschool!! That really does bless parents!!

    Thanks for hosting. Thanks too for sending me the email to linkup. I have you on a list on my nav bar but I had just gotten tired of linking, thanking, and reading posts and decided to check emails, LOL!! I also love how you have your linkup reminder laid out…I am a copy-cat (I went to British Government schools 🙂 )

  3. This book sounds like something I need to check out. Thanks for the link.
    My mom homeschooled my siblings and I as well and now we’re starting to homeschool our own kids.
    I admire you for going against the flow where you live and being a pioneer for homeschooling in your area. What a challenge and a reminder to me here in the US of the blessings we have with the freedom to homeschool.

  4. It’s always fascinating hearing about homeschooling from “the other side of the desk” as you put it — although we never had desks. One child always studied, draped across the stairs, with his books on the landing. The cat often sat in the plant pot nearby and stared at him. I enjoy your perspective — and I see that you have turned out just fine!

    My article this week is number 68 — Affordable Homeschooling, which is apropos for this time of year and the subject matter at hand.

    I am also number 69 — Save $45 Instantly — you can do this in any country, any store, anytime, and you don’t need a coupon.

  5. Thank you so much for this book recommendation. My little guy is only 1, but I have been praying a lot about what to do for his education. (Found you through the Thrive @ Home link-up!) 🙂

  6. Hi! I linked from I Choose Joy – From House to Home! I enjoyed your article. I love to hear of homeschool graduates.

    Also, thank you for letting me add my link to your hop! betty jo

  7. Thanks so much for the link party. I enjoy “visiting” every week and reading other’s posts and posting a few of mine. =) I can’t relate too much to your post yet, sadly, because my firstborn is only 8 months. We plan on homeschooling him, and right now we just let him explore. He was in the grass the first time last Sunday, and loved it. He also just had his first sip of water a week ago, and made a sour face. I love seeing him learn things, and I can’t wait to be his teacher.

    I have a blog link-up on Fridays, called Free to Talk Friday, I hope you’ll come and join. It’s open now at if you want to link up a few of your posts


  8. Isn’t it great that we reviewed this book on the same day. 🙂 Yes, I love Mailchimp!! Copy away – it’s not original with me. I’m just passing along great ideas I’ve found! LOL!

  9. haha!! I love that kind of homeschooling, too. My mom was very traditional, but I know many who opt out of desks and let it happen wherever it happens. Thank you for linking up!!

  10. Thank you, Hannah! I am so honored that you stop by and visit around each week! Ohh – you know, I think that “homeschool” starts from the first day….it just takes on different shapes and forms as they grow. I a so glad you have already decided to homeschool, it’s so important! Thanks for leaving your link. I linked up last week, and I’ll be back by this Friday, too! I have added your blog to my weekly list!

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