How to Pray Amazing Promises For Your Child

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I remember as a child waking up, stumbling down the hall to the living room, and seeing my dad’s head buried in his easy chair.

I would hear muffled sounds of his deep, passionate prayer as he rocked back and forth on his knees. Sometimes those prayers would be mingled with tears.

Join thousands of mothers all over the world in praying amazing promises for their children! Click here for more details!

The fact is, there were times I would wake up in the middle of the night and see a soft glow under my bedroom door. And I knew that he was pacing the living room floor praying and crying out to God for us.

My dad spent many, many nights praying over his family.

These memories are more precious to me than anything and they gave me so much comfort as a child; knowing that no matter what I faced, my dad was praying for me.

He still prays for us; and now there are 9 more names added to that list – the names of his grand children.

How to Pray Amazing Promises For Your Child

God’s Word is so rich with promises and His Word says that all of His promises are “yes and amen”.

What does that mean?

That means that His promises are 100% guaranteed!

Let’s pray together!

And this is why I am joining Arabah Joy and thousands of women from all over the world to pray God’s promises over our children.

It’s simple.

When you sign up, each day for 40 days you will receive an email with a scripture promise and instructions on how to pray it over your children.

The challenge starts on August 8th, so sign up now to join us in praying God’s Word over our children.

To sign up, go here

I can’t wait to get started!

Plus, I am honored to be one of the contributors to this challenge!!

I am now in my 40s with children of my own. My siblings also have children of their own and all three of us are in full-time ministry.

Proof that the hours and sleepless nights my dad invested in praying and claiming God’s precious promises for us were not in vain.

Join thousands of mothers all over the world in praying amazing promises for their children! Click here for more details!


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