2 Powerful Ways Children Learn About Their Identity in Christ

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So many adult Christians struggle with their identity in Christ.

While they have been saved and adopted into the family of God, they still live under the weight of guilt and condemnation.

They continue to identify with their old life and with their earthly identity; excusing their temper on their Irish ancestry or their battle certain sins on their upbringing.

What if we began training our children, from an early age, about their identity in Christ?Here are two ways we can begin helping our children learn who they are in Christ Jesus and lay a strong foundation for them to become powerful leaders in their generation. #alittlerand #identityinChrist #motherhood #parenting #Christian #Christianliving #spiritual #spiritualgrowth #warroom #Bible #God #jesus

I was recently watching Disney’s Brave with my children. I enjoy it each time we watch it- which has been many!

But this last time I caught onto something I hadn’t before. There is a portion of the movie where you witness the different ways Merida’s mother, Queen Eleanor, is conditioning her to be a proper princess, and eventual queen of DunBroch.

I’ve watched the scene many times before but never had I considered how much Merida’s training resembles that of our Christian youth.

Young Merida reminds me of my own teenage daughter (Julia will be 14 in a few months)- frustrated sneers and all.

As you can see in the movie, the queen is doing what’s best for Merida’s future. She is investing in her, much the same way we invest in our children.

Here is a great resource to help your children get into God’s Word!

While we may not be training our daughters to be princesses of DunBroch, they are princesses of a greater King and it’s His kingdom we are ultimately living for.

2 Powerful Ways Children Learn About Their Identity in Christ

The queen mentioned several requirements of being a princess. . . and I don’t think she’s far from biblical principles.

A princess . . .

  • must be knowledgeable about her kingdom – Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction
  • is cautious- Proverbs 14:16 The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence
  • is compassionate – 1 Peter 3:8 . . . all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble
  • rises early – Proverbs 31:15 She gets up while it is still night
  • is patient – Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer
  • strives for perfection – Proverbs 21:21 Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor

See? Queen Eleanor is training her daughter in the exact principles we are called to train our own daughters (Titus 2:4, Ephesians 6:4). And just as the queen displays, it can be a highly trying task.

So how do we go about teaching our children their identity in Christ?

Here are two ways we can begin helping our children learn who they are in Christ Jesus and lay a strong foundation for them to become powerful leaders in their generation. A Little R & R | Rosilind Jukić | Christianity | Christian living | Christian blog | Christian faith | Parenthood | Identity in Christ | War Room | Motherhood | Mothers | #identityinChrist #motherhood #parenting #Christian #Christianliving #spiritual #spiritualgrowth #warroom #Bible #God #jesus

1. Prayer is our direct line to God Almighty.

We can say and do all we want but nothing can reach our children’s hearts like the Lord.

Some books that have helped me understand the power of prayer over children are:

We all have grand hopes and dreams for our children. God has a future already laid out for them (Jeremiah 29:11), and don’t forget Mama, the devil has a plan for your sweet girl’s life too.

Don’t give him an inch of space. Pray over your child, their very future depend on it.

Get this 30 Day Prayer Challenge for Mothers
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Join the 30 Day Prayer Challenge for Mothers today! Click here to find out how you can download your copy today. A Little R & R | Rosilind Jukić | Christianity | Christian living | Christian blog | Christian faith | Bible Verse | Mothers | Homeschooling | Prayer |Prayer Challenge | #motherhood #parenting #prayer #prayerchallenge #homeschooling #warroom #warriorprincess #prayerjournaling #Scripture #Christian #Christianliving #spiritual #spiritualgrowth #Bible #God #jesus

2. Be the example of who you want them to be.

We’ve all heard the terrible expression “Do as I say, not as I do.” Unfortunately, for so many girls, this is the example they are given.

If we are to bring up the next generation of women with a heart for the Lord, it must start at home. They have to see us living out what we teach them, or else in their eyes we’re just hypocrites.

Heaven forbid my children ever see me as a hypocrite.

Now I’m not saying we have to be perfect, Lord knows I’m not. I still lose my temper from time to time. And there are days when cleaning the house is the absolute last thing I want to do- so instead I find something less proverbial to do, like scroll Facebook or read.

I am so thankful that Proverbs 21:21 says Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. Did you catch that?

We aren’t supposed to be perfect, we just need to strive for it! Thank goodness for that!!

Someone once said the days are long but the years are short. With my oldest turning 17 this year, I know the saying to be painfully true.

The years go by far too fast, don’t lose sight of the not-too-distant future.

One day, those little ones will be leaving home to pursue God’s will for their own lives. Don’t be discouraged Mama, everything you pour into them over the years does matter and those seeds will one day be harvested.

Don’t give up- even on those long days. Remember, with God on our side, we are the majority.

More Resources:

Get these war room verses and access to the ULTIMATE War Room Resource Collection in your email today when you type your email in the form below:

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Other resources for building Your Identity in Christ:

Begin building your identity in Christ each day with these 30 powerful verses for your war room. | A Little R & R | Rosilind Jukić | Christianity | Christian living | Christian blog | Christian faith | Identity in Christ | Quiet Times | #christianblog #christianfaith #christianliving #spiritualgrowth #warroom #warrior #identityinChrist #Bible #God #Jesus #momlife #mom #quiettime #SOAK #biblejournaling #biblestudy


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2 Powerful Ways Our Children Learn Their Identity in Christ

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For more articles by me on your identity in Christ, click on the links below:

3 Things The Bible Says About Our Identity in Christ

2 Powerful Ways Our Children Learn Their Identity in Christ

4 Ways I’m Embracing My Identity in Christ

10 War Room Verses About Your Identity in Christ

The Ephesians Experience

4 Truths About Our Identity

3 Things You Need to Know About Failure

One Previailing Reason Why Bitterness Destroys Your Identity in Christ

3 Steps to Understanding Your Identity in Christ

Why Positive Affirmations Are Not Biblical

Understanding Our True Identity in Christ

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