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  1. Thank you, Miss Rosilind, for your heartfelt words, which echo the same transformation happening in my own heart. I am in the middle of two separate Bible studies and they are colliding in a BIG BIG way. Holy Spirit is radically changing me from the inside out, and it all started about 6 wks ago when, as I was praying, I began speaking in tongues. There was an immediate and seismic shift inside of me! Now I am in the middle of your Dad’s study, “Where are we on God’s Time Clock”, and I’m realizing how very close we are to the last of the last days, and the urgency to reach the lost. But how??? That’s where the other study comes in; “The Way of the Master”…. that’s how! Your blog today echoes my deepest heart desires. I literally cry now when I think of the lost souls. Nothing else seems even remotely important to me anymore. I have been revived! Now, with Holy Spirit help, I need to pass on that blessing to others. Sister, God IS working in the hearts of His children everywhere. Be Blessed & Be a Blessing.

  2. CHRIS Cowles says:

    I’m just reading this. I’m so behind in my emails. My husband is in a Gospel Bluegrass band. One of his fellow performers and our friend spoke on this at a performance this morning. Confirmation from both directions regarding how God sees sin. Thank you for saying what needs saying

    1. I love how God confirms His word at just the right time!! Praise Jesus!

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