Our Curriculum Choices for the 2019-2020 School Year

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One of the most overwhelming aspects of homeschooling for me (and probably for most) is curriculum choice.

There are so many options!

You could get lost for months researching curriculum…whether you want to go with a streaming service for one set of curriculum or mix-and-match from several different sources.

There are websites that have everything set up for you for free.

There are online schools that offer their own school

Here are our curriculum choices for the 2019-2020 school year as a MERLD Homeschool family and why we made the choices we have. #homeschool #homeschoolcurriculum #languagedisorder

I was fortunate to have received materials from my sister who has homeschooled her children for over 8 years.

This helped to narrow down my options.

But there were still decisions I had to make:

Did I want to go with some newer materials for some of these subjects?

Do I really want to do Social Studies, or ditch it in favor of Science and History?

I have finally settled on what we’re going to be using for the 2019-2020 school year, and in August I’ll be making lesson plans.

I’ll be sharing more about that in a later post.

Our Curriculum Choices for the 2019-2020 School Year

Although we live in Croatia, I have decided to choose mostly American curriculum. The only Croatian curriculum we will use is for Croatian language.

Croatian: Škrinjica slova i riječi

I was able to pay for an additional digital version of this curriculum that comes with songs, videos, and games. I am over-the-top excited about this!

I will also be doing a form of 5-In-a-Row with him.

Each week we will choose a book, read it together and then find ways each day to reinforce the book: YouTube videos, acting, art, cooking, nature walks, etc.

Both Croatian and reading will take place 5 days a week.

Math: Math U See Alpha

We did Math U See Primer last year for Kindergarten, and our son took to it like a fish to water. Alpha is the mastery portion of Primer, and considering that he has mastered 85% of Primer, I anticipate that this year will be an easy year for math.

There are 7 sets of worksheets for each lesson, which I will divide up into 2 sets a day and on the 5th day we’ll do the final worksheet as a review to make sure that he has mastered the lesson.

Math is 5 days a week.

Bible: Our Church

Our church offers a recognized catechism class, for which children even in public school receive recognized grades.

And I am one of the teachers! Woot!

So both of our children will be enrolled in our church’s catechism for the 2019-2020 school year.

We will cover the upcoming Sunday lesson at home each day.

Social Studies: 

We decided to scrap social studies. Our oldest, who attends public school, has had Social Studies for the past two years and I find it a complete waste of time.

Much of what he has learned, he could have learned through other subjects (ie. telling time for math, nature for science, etc)

We have opted, instead, to begin with Science and History. Both of which I think he will find far more interesting.

Science: The Magic School Bus

I got this idea, because my kids really enjoyed watching The Magic School Bus, so I signed back up for Netflix and found this great FREE curriculum for The Magic School Bus at Our Cozy Den

Seriously – so amazing!

Lesson plans, experiments, etc. All done and ready to go.

There are 52 lessons for this free curriculum and only 37 weeks of school. We will do Science 3 days a week, covering 1-2 lessons a week – depending on the need.

Doing it this way, gives us a buffer to either spend more time on the lessons that need more time or finish early.

History: Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool

I love Easy Peasy in general. And for History, this is going to be a great resource. Again, it is free and everything is already laid out for you!


We will take history at our own pace. I don’t see a need to rush through it – so we’ll do history 2 days a week.


I figure this year will be an enormous learning curve for both of us, so I will be finding ways to incorporate art in all of the subjects. Perhaps next year we will look at an art program

Music: Piano

I am a former piano teacher, and am already teaching my children piano. My children get a theory lesson on Mondays and practice on their own 5 days a week.

These are the piano books we are using right now:

Here are the other posts I wrote on MERLD:

6 Things You Need to Know About Homeschooling a Kid With MERLD

6 Things I Learned About Homeschooling a Kid With MERLD

Why We Chose to Homeschool Our MERLD Son

Our Curriculum Choices for the 2019-2020 School Year

5 Ways We Make Summer Learning Fun

My Favorite Homeschool Planner

School Starts Today and Here’s the Thing…

10 Things I’ve Learned After One Month of Homeschooling

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