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  1. Hi Rosilind,
    I feel that it is a road map that leads to what God wants us to become. Through Christ Jesus all things are possible. I think it is a wonderful thing to sit up a standard or goal so to speak and then try and reach that. I also, feel that we can’t do anything within our own selves… Nothing is impossible with God. He knows that we are not without flaws. I am not married now. My husband divorced me years ago. So, I don’t have to be a wife at all. All of my children are grown. But I still try to guide them as much as I can and as much as they will allow me. I often wonder what is my purpose now. I was the director of a youth ministry not that long ago…but feel that I fell royally at that. I have made many mistakes in my life and continue do so…but the one I regret the most is the one’s that I made with my children. Being a Godly wife and mother is so important. It took me a while to figure that out. I desire to be a Proverb 31 woman…and I believe that I have progressed…when my daughter is home from school it feels just like I am her servant. I enjoyed reading this article. You are a wonderful writer.

    1. Yes – it is a road map. I wish I would have realized that earlier.

  2. So much love and truth in this post! Love it and can’t wait to share it.

  3. Great words, Rosilind!

    I really like this comment, “I want to serve my family with grace and skill, love and selfless giving.” What a great summary of Proverbs 31~

    Came over on Women Helping Women.
    Hope you have a blessed day~

  4. This post is right on target! I loved the yoga pants and spit up, its so true!! I truly believe God is more concerned about hearts than our outward actions. We have to remember that this woman achieved all of this in a lifetime so we need to stop being so hard on ourselves! I love Courtney’s book, its a great resource!

    1. Yes – you are so right! We only have the rest of our lives to get it right. And it’s our hearts that matter most.

  5. Rosilind, this post caught my attention because when some friends and I were forming a new women’s Bible study group, we deliberately did NOT call ourselves “Proverbs 31”! We felt that to do so would be: 1)setting ourselves up for failure by comparison; and/or 2)insinuating that we felt we had already arrived at that high standard. I appreciate your viewpoint on this Biblical benchmark! 🙂 Stopping by from Coffee & Conversation!

    1. I think a lot of people feel this way, Elizabeth. And it’s sad, because I think that the Proverbs 31 woman is someone to admire and aspire to be. It’s sad that we’ve begun to avoid talking about her qualities and the noble ambition to work towards cultivating those character traits she displayed.

  6. Well said. I’ve always thought that God described this woman this way because He was covering all the bases. Different women excel at different things, but like you pointed out if we’re doing the best to make our own home a place our family loves then we’re doing the right thing.

    1. You’re right. We all excel in different areas, what matters is that our family feels loved and secure…provided for and proud of their home.

  7. This is very encouraging to me. I am a young wife and mother , and I have been through a lot in my 23 years on this earth, but as I have got older I’ve really wanted to make God happy and follow his ways And all the time I set this high goal for myself to try to be and act like the proverbs 31 woman and when you fail at your goals it’s a big set back and you just want to throw in the towel. But this blog has really helped me! Thank you for writing it!

    1. I am so glad this helped you. We can be so incredibly hard on ourselves, can’t we?

  8. Tiffany Velez says:

    Hello, i am in the rut rught niw of where i have been trying to become a proverbs 31 woman but after reading this i see i must learn the characteristics. Me and my husband are going through very rough moments where he is tired of everything and wants to b on his own. But i continue to pray for God to intervene and not allow us to separate. I have taken him for granted so many times and he has done soo much more and sacrificed so much more than i have. I feel like i dont deserve him…. i pray that God will keep us, and we can grow stronger from these issues. I am not sure if the study is still available, but i need support from other Godly women who are doing for their husband and kids, as well as living for the Lord. If i dont hear from you i understand
    God bless

    1. Tiffany, thank you so much for stopping by to share your story. I pray that you will be able to work things out. The study isn’t actively going on right now, but you can still access all of the material and do it on your own. If you’d like more information, feel free to email me at rosilind @ rosilindjukic . com and I’ll point you to where you can find it all.

  9. Jessica knox says:

    I would like to join in !

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