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  1. Thank you my friend for writing this article, very well said and has needed to be said for a long time.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, dear friend! Your story is so inspiring!

  2. I agree. We must get off the highway and walk the narrow road! Well written, thank you!

  3. This is an excellent post. You are 1000% correct in all you wrote. I see it this way: we like to talk the talk but we really are not walking the walk. We need to get on our knees and repent and get out there and spread the good news. Thank you for the honesty and I pray we all heed the call.

    1. Amen!! We need to start walking the walk and asking ourselves if we REALLY believe what God’s Word says!

  4. Kathleen MacEllis says:

    I am in my 6th decade of life. Over the years, I have heard many pro-Life speeches and read many articles on the subject. I don’t believe that I have ever heard it put so honestly and succinctly. Thank you for this post ! May God bless you my friend !

    1. Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I really can’t take the credit for this, I do believe the Holy Spirit was writing through me.

  5. Thank you for your keen insight on the stand of the Church today. We must be a clear beacon of light and I, for one, must ask God’s forgiveness for participating in some of those “muddy” choices. I appreciate your frankness and applaud your stand.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement. It is so easy to let side issues distract us. I am guilty of the same.

  6. Amazing post that is right on! God bless you!


  7. Amen! I think another point is how we as a church support the research on aborted fetal cells. If there was no money in it, planned parenthood wouldn’t push so hard. But seriously, if we stood up for life….really stood up for life….we would live differently. No comments to the mom with more than two kids….adopting babies….teach abstinence….

    1. I agree. Some are saying that this upcoming generation is more opposed to abortion than it’s predecessors because of the visual information that is available to them. Because they are impacted by the visual data (videos, pictures, testimonials, etc), they are less likely to choose abortion. I don’t know if this is true or not, but I hope it is. We do need to be more vocal about truth, both biblical and scientific truth.

  8. 1. Women die from pregnancy and childbirth, and any so-called “pro life” arguement should take that into account.
    2. Cancer cells are just as alive as fetuses, why not get the church to stand up against all the oncologists murdering innocent lives every day?

    1. Modern medicine has come so far that the risk of women dying in childbirth is really quite minimal. I have better odds at dying while driving my car than giving birth. But what truly astounds me in your comment is how you equate cancer cells to babies. There is no comparison, and to list all of the ways the two examples are opposed to one another would take me all day (but, perhaps, good material for another blog post). It truly makes me sad that you have such a cynical view of human life. I am praying for you.

  9. DAWN D RIGGS says:

    I absolutely love your article. I would think the only thing that would need to be rehashed is the statement: “And the resolution to the problem must start inside the four walls of the church.” As I agree, a lot of churches have left the Bible teachings to support the nonsense of hollywood (left uncapped on purpose); I believe the resolution to the problem must start inside the four walls of the HOME and then be reiterated by the Church, Church leaders and Church Family. There is a lot of common sense in the old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child”. However, to raise a child with a moral compass, wisdom, and accountability, it takes Jesus Christ working through BELIEVING PARENTS.
    Oh! There is so much more I would love to comment on, but I truly do love your article. I think it really addresses some very important issues. Adoption being the most needed currently. If only government would put as many tax dollars into Adoption instead of abortion and make the process easier; maybe, we wouldn’t see SO MANY horrific stories on the news. They truly break my heart. I get sick to my stomach reading some of the heinous and criminal acts being committed toward children. In some states, there are tougher laws for animals than there are for OUR Children. The devil is at work and this is a religious war … make no mistake.
    Thank you for your article. ?

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