How to Successfully Share Your Faith

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two women sitting and talking

Do you get excited about sharing your faith, only to find yourself tongue-tied when the moment actually comes where you have to tell someone about Jesus?

I’ve been there!

Sharing your faith can be intimidating and scary at times, but today I will give you some easy tips to successfully sharing your faith with others.

I believe that the method by which we share our faith is so important, because done the right way, we can spark interest in the hearts of others.

Just handing out tracks like flyers
Being pushy and argumentative
Apologizing ahead of time, and thereby giving people an excuse to walk away

All of these approaches are either not true evangelism or will turn people off to the gospel right from the start.

One of the most effective ways to share our faith is through friendship and relationship. Earning the right to speak to someone, and watching for opportunities to share Jesus requires a lot of patience, but it has been proven over and over to the be the most effective method.

But it’s not the only method.

If you like to hit the streets and engage strangers in conversations, you may find that method effective as well!

But the first thing we must remember about sharing our faith is that it is active. Sharing requires speaking, not just living.

Yes, our lives should be a testimony, but if we never speak – or as Jesus said, preach – we have never really shared our faith. Sharing requires speaking!

How to Successfully Share Your Faith

How will you know that you’ve successfully shared your faith? When you’ve shared it! When you walk away having had the opportunity to share the gospel with someone.

Success isn’t based on their response.

If someone prays to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, that was the Holy Spirit’s work, your job is to share and you’ve shared successfully when you’ve shared.

1. Share your testimony succinctly

Notice I used the word “succinctly”. You should be able to share your testimony in 3-4 sentences at the most. If this is hard for you, practice until you are able to share your testimony about how you received Christ in just a few sentences.

You don’t want your testimony to be the main thing. Your testimony is just a prequel to the main event, which is the gospel.

Your testimony is also your indisputable argument.

A man with an argument is powerless against a man with a testimony. This is why in Revelation 12:11 it says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.”

2. Share the promise

What are people being saved to?

This is a very important question. If you’re saving someone from something, what is supposed to be the desired outcome? What makes the act of saving so attractive that you would risk your reputation to do it?

Obviously, the answer is heaven. The afterlife.

And this is a concern for many people. When darkness falls and everyone around them is asleep, suddenly the questions they’ve been avoiding come front and center….

“What happens to me when I die?”

Perhaps they have a spouse or parent who is battling terminal cancer, and they are getting a first-hand glimpse of death.

The fact that there is a paradise out there, to which they can be absolutely certain they are destined to go, is a question many people are eager to settle in their heart.

3. Share the struggle

Every good story includes a struggle. A battle for good and evil, a situation in which the guy must win the girl. A story without a struggle is bland.

So, the story of the gospel also includes a struggle, and the struggle is this: God created heaven for all mankind, but the requirement is perfection.

How does God overcome this struggle so that the mankind He created can enjoy the heaven He has also created, and avoid hell – destruction and torment for all eternity?

4. Reveal the solution

If the requirement for heaven is perfection, the solution must require a sacrifice on someone’s part. A violation occurred that caused us forfeit heaven and a penalty must be paid.

Either we pay the penalty and all go to hell
Or someone else steps in a pays the penalty for us.

But that person has to meet all of the necessary requirements to pay that penalty – and the requirement is absolute, 100% perfection.

Only one person met that requirement – Jesus Christ. God’s only Son.

5. Share their part

The solution is there, all they have to do is take that first step to accept that solution to their question of eternity. Accepting the solution includes:

  • Acknowledging their violation
  • Asking God to forgive their violation
  • Committing to living their life in a way that pleases God

This method of sharing your faith is so easy, and you can use it whether you’re sharing your faith with a friend or someone you just met on the street.

It is so adaptable and simple.

I have made it even easier in this printable tract you can use!

This colorful gospel tract is so simple and easy to use and makes a perfect gift as a bookmark. Grab your free download today! #alittlerandr #evangelism #gospel #Jesuschrist Bible

Get the This is The Story  Christian Tract printable today when you type your email in the form below:

Find all the free resources for this study here below:

This colorful gospel tract is so simple and easy to use and makes a perfect gift as a bookmark. Grab your free download today! #alittlerandr #evangelism #gospel #Jesuschrist Bible
When someone wont listen to the gospel, we often feel like we've failed. Here is how we should respond instead and a printable prayer card. #alittlerandr #prayer #prayercard #salvation

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  1. There are so many different way to share our faith with those around us. Just as upon discovering something it is in our human nature to share with someone, therefore we should not hesitate to share things we discover about God with others. To me keeping things to yourself is like denying you are a Christian. Sometime you might not even need to say a single word to share your beliefs. If you are a believer in the one true God, live the life you want others to see you living. Being a Christian has nothing to do with what religion you follow. A Christian is someone who is a follower of Christ. I pray that you live a life worthy of God’s love, forgiveness, and the opportunity to return to live with Him after the journey here are done.

  2. So, what am I supposed to say? The printable was just this article but it doesn’t really tell me what to say. Also, my testimony is a jumbled mess. I don’t have 3-4 sentences to share so I’m kinda lost.

    1. Hi Andi! The printable is meant to be a tool. Let God give you the words and share your own testimony. It sounds more natural and it is far more powerful when we allow God to speak through us, and not just man’s words.

  3. i want some printables to share with others, salvation prayer, explanation, how to share with others etc etc Please and thank you

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