3 Ways Christians Should Respond When They Feel Defeated – FREE PRINTABLE

3 Ways Christians Should Respond When They Feel Defeated – FREE PRINTABLE

If defeat is abnormal Christian living, why do we sometimes feel defeated….or even experience defeat? Is the Bible wrong when it teaches that we will be victorious over our enemies? Was David living in delusion when he said that God would not let him be defeated? Are Christians today living in a fantasy world, thinking…

How to Use Worship As a Spiritual Weapon – FREE DOWNLOAD

How to Use Worship As a Spiritual Weapon – FREE DOWNLOAD

Ephesians 6 tells us about the armor of God and gives us two weapons: God’s Word and prayer. But in Psalm 149, we discover another spiritual weapon: worship. At first glance, it may seem that this chapter is divided into two sections: the section that talks about praise and the section that talks about spiritual…