The Number One Reason Why Every Christian Should Be on Social Media

The Number One Reason Why Every Christian Should Be on Social Media

We’ve all read the statistics. Psychologists have warned of the dangers of social media to our mental and emotional health. Every week or so a new article publishes new findings and reasons why we should all abandon Facebook and reengage in society with our “real-life” friends. Why the front porch should be physical, not virtual….

Person distracting themselves with stacking pens

3 Spiritual Warfare Strategies for Your Distracted Mind- FREE PRINTABLE!

Every generation has had their own battle, and if I could take a wild guess at the battle this generation is facing I would say it is being distracted and over-stimulated. We have endless entertainment readily available at our fingertips 24/7. People of my generation and older remember when TV channels didn’t broadcast 24 hours…

woman with hands folded on Bible praying

4 Ways to Sharpen Your Spiritual Senses When They Have Grown Dull – FREE PRINTABLE!

The Church today is losing the battle. In my previous post, I shared the Lifeway Research findings that in America more churches are closing than are opening, and my own thoughts about that discovery. I wrote about my own struggles with offering fresh, spiritual food here on A Little R & R and how that…