Why Your Children Need to Hear Your Testimony

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Have you told your children your testimony?

Do they know about the times when God came through for you? Provided for you? Protected you? Saved you from your sins?

Do you tell your children? Do they know when God came through for you? Have you instilled in them the importance of their spiritual heritage?


It was a thriving daycare center that welcomed 40-50 children on a daily basis. Located in the basement of a small church, it served to help assist with the church finances, and thus operated on a shoestring budget.

Like every other morning; breakfast was cleared away, and the cook began preparations for lunch. It was then that she discovered she only had 1/2 loaf of bread for sandwiches. Hardly enough to feed 40 hungry children. She called my mom, the director, to see if she could get some petty cash to purchase more bread.

“We don’t have any petty cash right now.”, was the response that caused her growing dread to mushroom.

“How will I make lunch today?” The question echoed in my mom’s mind as well as she scrambled for a remedy to this serious situation.

She called the pastor – my dad – to come downstairs. He confirmed that there simply was no money at the moment to buy more bread.

There was only one thing left to do: Pray.

Together, the cook and my parents went to the kitchen and did the only thing they knew to do – they laid hands on the 1/2 loaf of bread and prayed for a miracle.

I don’t know what was in their minds at the moment: faith, hope, doubt, desperation…

But less than an hour later shrieks came from the vicinity of the kitchen. My mom went racing in to see what was the matter. There she found the cook hysterically crying and shouting as she pointed to heaps of sandwiches – enough to feed every child in the daycare – and next to them a 1/2 loaf of bread.

This is a story I have heard all my life.

This story, combined with many others like it, and a childhood marked with similar experiences that I saw firsthand have shaped my concept of faith.

And while like most other people, there are times when doubts creep in, yet they are quickly dispelled as I remember the multiple times God has answered prayers in such tangible ways as He did for the cook at Evangel Temple so many years ago.

Stories – like how my dad was healed of Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of 30, with full medical documentation, or how He provided shoes for my brother when my parents had no money; the times when random checks would arrive in the mail from church members as “love gifts” for my family on the very day when our rent was due or the blind lady that went forward for prayer at church and immediately after began to see.

These stories have dramatically shaped who I am today.

Stories passed down.

Events experienced.

But if I don’t instill in my children an understanding of the rich heritage of faith they possess, they will be forgotten and the power of their message will stop with me.

This is why God, over and over, instructed the Israelites to pass on the stories of God’s power to their children, because all it takes is for one generation to forget His goodness before the next generation turns cold.

Here is a great resource to help you start building your family devotions!

Dear mommy, your job is a serious one. While you wipe noses, brush teeth, kiss boo-boos, and tuck your precious treasures in at night, tell the stories. Not just Clifford, Winnie the Pooh, and Disney Princesses – tell them about the times when God came through for you. Tell them about the times you prayed, you battled in prayer, and perhaps even doubted a little – but the answer came.

Don’t let the stories be lost with you.

Begin now to build a storehouse of faith for them. Deposit into their accounts rich treasures that they will be able to draw from when their own faith dwindles.

Tell your children!

This post is part of the Blogging Through the Bible series. Check out these other great posts from Genesis
Becoming a Godly Wife
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  1. This is so important to remember. We do get so busy with the usual motherly duties, we forget to do this very thing! Tell them of God. Plus, it will remind us of all He really has done in our lives. We easily forget when we get busy or discouraged. Thanks for encouraging us today!

  2. This post made a huge difference to me tonight. To tell you how would be a long story, but God used your words to show me something that I need to do with my kids. Their is a need that I would like them to be a part of the praying process and see God answer our prayers. Thank you for opening my eyes. Blessings.

    1. Oh Latisha, your comment meant so much. This is what makes blogging so miraculous for me. Throwing words out there in the blogosphere and then hear that they meant so much to someone. thank you for taking the time to let me know. You made my day.

  3. Starting last year each member of the family picked one prayer request that we pray for each other daily at dinner plus one for our whole family. At the end of the year we looked back to see what had happened and most of us did receive a positive answer, one of us did get significantly braver around dogs, one of us did really improve in their language ability, one of us became a much better writer. Our family prayer was that God would use us in bringing someone to faith in him, and he did! One of the kids did not get what they prayed for, not even a hint of it, but has chosen to pray for the same thing, even more specifically this year. I admire his persistence even when God seems like he hasn’t come through for him yet. I also liked seeing what they chose to pray for as it gives an insight into their inner lives.

  4. Hi, Rosilind! I just love this post! We experienced similar miraculous answers to prayer growing up and I’ve often thought about writing them all down for our kids. But… I never made time to do it. It’s a great idea to have something all ready to go so that you can just fill it out quickly. Thanks for linking with us at Grace and Truth this week!
    Jen @ Being Confident of This

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