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  1. I like to think of self-care as a combination of stewardship and the “put on your own oxygen mask first” idea, because if you don’t take care of your spirit, mind, body, relationships the way God teaches us to, you aren’t going to be able to serve as effectively. On that airplane, you’re no good to the person next to you if you pass out trying to help them.

    And it’s kind of funny how it all plays in together: If I eat right, get exercise, get enough sleep, that’s a huge factor in my attitude and ability to regulate my emotions. I’m also able to focus more in Bible study and prayer and stay alert longer! If I spend quality time with God in the Word and prayer, I grow in all sorts of areas, including self-discipline (fruit of the spirit!) which then helps in those other areas.

    1. Yes, definitely we need to take care of ourselves – particularly as women because we often have so many others depending on us and our strength. I think the motivation is what’s important….and reminding ourselves that we don’t depend on our own strength to serve, but on the grace and strength of Christ – who is our joy.

  2. I have never had female friends. I grew up with only male friends, and being an adult married woman, it’s inappropriate to be friends with men, so now I have no friends. I have nothing in common with women. I don’t care about appearance, or cooking, or any “female” things. And as you’ve pointed out, women can be very competitive. I don’t believe female friendships are important for everyone.

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