Weight Loss Starts From the Inside Out

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I am not a doctor, none of the information on any of these pages pertaining to the Ketogenic Diet or Adrenal Fatigue should be considered medical advice and should not replace the care of your personal physician. I am simply eager to share the information I have learned while on my own journey to health. Before you embark on this journey, please consult with your physician.

Weight loss has to start from our soul and spirit. We must identify why we are eating, otherwise it will never last. #alittlerandr #weightloss #Bible #comforteating

Have you ever tried to solve your dandelion problem by mowing your lawn?

We all know what a ludicrous idea that is. Not only will they just come right back, you’ll likely make the problem worse by spreading the seeds.

To solve a dandelion problem, you have to pull out the root!

It’s no different with weight loss.

Weight gain and obesity are most often directly related to the soul and spirit. While we are all made to be different sizes, and some may never be a size 2 or 4, it is not healthy for our spirit, soul or body to be 30, 40 or more pounds over our healthy weight.

This extra weight is not only hard on our joints and internal organs, it acts as an unhealthy insulation and barrier.

It insulates us from having to invest in healthy, satisfying relationships.

It is a barrier in our relationship with God because it is a clear indicator that there are unresolved issues in our hearts.

Trying to resolve weight issues with weight loss programs, without having first resolved the inner issues of the soul and spirit, is no different than mowing over your field of dandelions.

Weight Loss Starts From the Inside Out

When I look back over the selfies I took during my weight loss journey, it is clear that in 2015 something clicked in me; because suddenly my excess weight began to drop off. The yo-yo stopped.

What clicked inside me in 2015?

I began to ask myself very hard, probing questions about when my weight gain began and why. It was then that I realized that every time my weight spiked it correlated with a trauma or difficult circumstance in my life.

The correlation was unmistakable.

Food was my comforter.

The problem was that after I moved on from the pain the desire for soothing food was still there.

Studies show that refined sugar and certain foods high in carbohydrates are highly addictive. I believe this, because while I have made great strides in overcoming comfort eating, I still find my desire for soothing food extremely hard to resist.

In fact, I have found it much harder to overcome this than my addiction to caffeine.

My defining moment was in the summer of 2015.

I was sitting in church and while I cannot tell you what the sermon was about, the speaker referred to this verse:

“It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

Suddenly the question hit me, “What do I live by? Do I live by my emotions or do I truly live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God?”

I have a question for you.

What drives your physical appetites? Your soul or your spirit?

Weight loss has to start from our soul and spirit. We must identify why we are eating, otherwise it will never last!

You see, the answer to this will give you the key to unlock the door to freedom. I believe that for most of us, our soul drives our physical appetites.

Our mind, our imagination that is out of control and driven by fear, pain, and negativity.

Our will that has never been properly exercised to resist those things that are not good for us, and to do those things (exercise) that are good for us.

Our emotions that fluctuate with with the wind and have never been brought under control so that we are more even keel.

So when our soul is not under the jurisdiction of the Holy Spirit our whole life becomes out of control because our appetites are driven by a soul that is out of control.

Because a soul that is not in submission to the Holy Spirit will always go out of control.

Simply admitting to myself that my physical appetites were controlled by my soul, and not my spirit, began to unlock some areas of my life that had long been a mystery to me.

Every time I’d open the cupboard or fridge the question would come to me, “What is driving your appetite? Hunger or a desire to soothe?”

And I’ve found this to be freeing, because it is better than any diet I’ve ever been on!

By identifying the source of my  physical appetites I can eat when I’m truly hungry, without cutting out “bad foods”. I can choose to resist the temptation to soothe with food.

But there’s one more element here that we have to examine.

What is the real root of comfort eating?

Because if we never answer that question, we’ll find new ways to soothe our souls.

You see, using food to numb pain, comfort, or insulate, or satisfy us is really not much different that using drugs or alcohol for the same purpose.

The root is the same: idolatry.

Turning to any substance or activity for comfort, rather than turning to Jesus Christ for healing, is idolatry. Food, in this instance, becomes our source of comfort and fulfillment. But as with any idol, it’s not real. It’s not lasting and it leads to destruction.

To truly begin our weight loss journey, we must begin with repentance.

  • Repenting for our idolatry.
  • Repenting for turning to anything other that Jesus Christ for our comfort, joy and fulfillment.
  • Repentance for allowing our souls to govern our lives, and not the Holy Spirit in and through us.

And when we do this, the transformation will be lasting. Because true transformation begins in the inside first!

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  1. Wow, Rosilind! I am apart of the blog community on Facebook. I love this post. It really makes us think and address the real issues. Please check out my blog hope-in-christ.weebly.com

  2. Thanks for your honesty in sharing this. I, too, am a missionary. And just like you have found that I’ve gained significant weight the last few years because of trauma and stress. Thanks for the encouragement and example. It gives me hope.

    I do have a question: how did you remind yourself to ask the question as to whether you’re really hungry or not? I find that I remember first thing in the morning but by mid-afternoon my memory gets fuzzy and I end up eating when I’m not really hungry. Did you do anything else as well, such as log your meals, etc?

    1. Hi Eva!! Wow – what a blessing it is to meet a fellow missionary!! Yes, I will be sharing next MOnday about the tools in my toolbag. I can’t wait – because they have been very helpful to me.

  3. Thanks for sharing this. My family has been through the wringer so to speak the past few years and I have gained a lot of weight. Try as I might, I cannot lose it. I will be watching for your next post because I believe you have found the root issue of weight gain, at least for some of us, and I will need all the help I can get.

  4. Love this post, Ros! I’ve learned similar truths about myself and also realized last year that I’ve been believing the lie that my extra weight was too great an obstacle to overcome. Since then, I am more resolute in sticking with this weight-loss journey. I’m determined to persevere with God’s help. Great job on losing 40 and keeping it off! I only lost 25 last year (got off track when I had to go back to work), but my goal for this year is 50. It really is a matter of sin for me – either I obey the Lord in my care for my body or I don’t. Thanks for sharing this with us!
    Jen 🙂

    1. Oh Jen – I relate so much!!! And I still have moments when I don’t do as well (this week for example….it was a hard week with adrenal fatigue – and giving up – as opposed to pulling back – only makes it worse!). But when I look back, I realize that I’m still so far ahead of where I was a year ago. It’s hard to believe I’ve come this far. You can do it. It’s not too much to overcome. But conquering the battle in your mind is half the battle….and it’s a harder battle to conquer than the weigh itself.

  5. Love this. When we look for comfort from anything other than the true Comforter we will never know actual comfort.

    Thank you for sharing wIth #TheCozyReadingSpot

  6. Thank you for this revelation-I have struggled with my weight all my life and now I am at my worst. This article has helped me put all those bad thoughts into perspective, and now I can actually ask God to comfort me instead of turning to food-I believe this is the enemy’s way of using us to destroy or diminish our relationship with God. Again thank you for sharing

    1. Minie – I relate so well! This has helped me, together with a diet change that also helped my body to stop craving food. Together they have helped me to get to my lowest weight in a decade. But I first had to discover what was going on in my soul so I could help my body.

  7. Rosillind, I too agree that food is soothing to me also! I am wanting to loose 150 lbs. and am 62 years old, paraplegic complete. I gained the extra 80 lbs. when I broke both legs and in bed for 3 months and then it happened again. I use caregivers and it is hard when fast food, shakes and candy is continuely brought into the house. Lookimg up scripture will give me more focus and doing a bible study with it will help me supper focus on God’s will not my own.

    1. Kim – I am so, so sorry to hear about your physical struggles and limitations. It is very hard to be disciplined when people are bringing this kind of food into the house. There is a great blogger who I recommend for exactly what you need. She is: https://barbraveling.com

  8. I am 67 years old and need to lose 140 lbs. I have some health issues and bad knee problems but without weight loss no surgery. I eat just to eat. Reading your blog really ministered to me I never thought of food as an idol but anything before the Lord is and I see it now. I always try to think of Him before I do anything but eat. Thanks for opening my eyes and helping me see the lies I’ve been telling myself. I know I can do this never thought of inside out. Can’t wait for more.. if this is a book tell me where to buy it please.

    1. Hi Dianne – Bless you, my friend! Yes, by the grace and strength of God you can do this. It isn’t a book, but I’d love to write it someday! A good resource I’d love to send you to is a blog by Barb Raveling (https://barbraveling.com/) She has a lot of resources on her blog about renewing our mind when it comes to eating and weight loss. She has a book and a Facebook group. Please let her know that I sent you.

  9. I was so grateful to have tread this.
    You hit the nail on the head.
    I’m 61 and I need to lose 100lbs.
    I never thought of food being an idol. But you are so right.
    Thank you.
    I tried a food addicts group but they were very ridgid about omitting sugar flour and wheat. Which is a great idea but it’s like if you eat a little sugar them you’re a sinner and have to start the steps all over again.
    I get why. But I think your idea is better.
    I did want to know if you followed a certain food plan.
    I wad thinking about keto. And then leerythe Holy spirit leaf me. So if you could, please let me know thank you

  10. What an excellent post, Rosilind! This is the first time I’ve seen it though it’s been around for a while.
    I need to lose about 60 lbs and struggle so much but I definitely hear you when you mention that food can be an idol. I will check that link for Barb Raveling you provided another reader as I have seen a few of her posts but never really clicked in.
    Thanks so much!

    1. Yes, it is something I keep having to remind myself of….over and over. Definitely check out Barb Raveling, I think you’ll find her a wonderful resource.

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