What Every Parent Needs to Know About MERLD

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MERLD stands for Mixed Expressive Receptive Language Disorder. Here is what every parent needs to know about this language disorder. #alittlerandr #MERLD #Langaugedisorder #homeschooling #parenting

When our children began to display signs of a language delay, I began to research ways I could help them.

My husband and I tried many things, but nothing we did seemed to help very much.

The more time went on, the more we began to worry.

I spent many nights googling, researching, taking notes, and strategizing ways to help my children develop language.

Then one day I stumbled on a term that would soon become my children’s official diagnosis:


What Every Parent Needs to Know About MERLD

MERLD stands for Mixed Expressive-Receptive Language Delay.

Today I’m over at YearRound Homeschooling, sharing part 1 of a 3-part series on MERLD.

Today’s post is What Is MERLD, and you can find it here.

Don’t miss the other posts in this 3-part series:

6 Things You Need to Know About Homeschooling a Kid With MERLD

6 Things I Learned About Homeschooling a Kid With MERLD

What Every Parent Needs to Know About MERLD

More homeschool content here

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