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  1. Love it, Roz! For one thing, you give we Americans a reality check when you tell the size of your home (a size common among Europeans). Next, you make the main thing the main thing. It’s not the place in your home. It’s Christ’s home in your heart. Bravo for your wisdom and suggestions. Gail 🙂

    1. I like the idea of communicating or prayer through a journal and dating when He answered me. I now know that it’s a time of quietness but not not where you are. Today, at work the training room was available. I went in dimmed the lights and began to pray to my Heavenly Father. I felt peaceful and God presence around me. Thank you for my prayer life. IOLA

      1. Isn’t that wonderful? I am blessed to hear that you’re prayer life is growing!

  2. Rosilind, this is The post I needed to read to help me to create my war room. I too live in an Europe-sized flat – 807 sq. f., open disposition, zero options for a stable space for prayer. My husband is an unbeliever (so far), and this doesn’t make it any easier. But I surely can create a notebook similar to your, and set up for the battle! Thanks for encouragement. Hugs from Czech Rep. 🙂

  3. What a great idea! I don’t have a war room per se, but I have a prayer journal. I had never thought of that as a war room of sorts, but I see that it certainly can be. My folks have a small house, too, and I know my mother has her “war pantry” behind the shelves of canning jars.

  4. Hi Rosilind, I love this idea of a prayer journal war room. It really goes to show that even if we wanted an excuse to get serious about prayer, there really is none. I believe the answered prayer section will be so faith-building that I can’t wait to read about how God shows up for you!
    Wishing you blessings!

  5. Visiting through Coffee & Conversation. This is an excellent post. I absolutely loved that movie and immediately went out and got myself a prayer journal after watching it. I love my journal, it keeps me focused while praying. Yours sounds awesome!
    I also understand living in a small space, we have definitely been there – even the no closets. I believe love grows best in little houses.

  6. Oh…what a wonderful post. i just asked God last night to help me find a war room. I believe this is His answer. Thank you for following the Spirit’s leading and sharing your thoughts.

  7. Roz I love this idea. I cried during that movie and came home and well it’s not happened. I do have a prayer notebook and journal and you’ve made me feel so good how I’m using it. Thanks.

  8. No matter WHERE we do it; no matter HOW we do it; you’ve put the spotlight on the fact that prayer is a priority for the Christian. I’m convicted of my own lackadaisical attitude toward talking to the God of the universe.

  9. Beautiful and encouraging post, Rosilind. Thank you for the reminder about the power of prayer and the purpose of the war room!

  10. I, too, have started a prayer journal. No closet for a war room here either! I love your strategy ideas and I am going to start incorporating it into my journal and prayers! Thank you for the inspiration!

  11. I also do not have room for a “war room” per se, but love the idea of a war journal! The main thing is that we get serious about prayer.

  12. Hi, Roz, I’m so glad that you didn’t just throw your hands up and give up. You decided to be intentional and serious about prayer. This is a great idea for everyone even the people who have made a prayer closet. I love all things prayer journal and organization. I am inspired to have a better battle plan for my prayers. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I’ve only heard great things about this movie. I must watch it this week instead of putting it off. I wouldn’t have a place to add a war room either. I love you creativity and will probably borrow your idea after I watch the movie. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us at Literacy Musing Mondays!

    1. I hope this gave you some creative ideas to get started. Did you enjoy the movie?

  14. Such a wonderful post. You have inspired me to make some changed in my routine! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Sitting Among Friends on Wednesdays.

  15. How to you start a prayer journal? Are you able to post an example of a page in each or your sections for us newbies wanting to start our own.

    1. Absolutely. I’ll do that in the weeks to come. Stay tuned!!

  16. Try a large basket for your Prayer notebook.. You can then have room to include your Bible, a devotional, some notecards or cards to let others know you’re praying for them. Plus, it’s portable. You might not have a War Room but you have a prayer basket that can go with you anywhere.

  17. I am so keen to start this – but how do I create a “battle strategy”?

    1. Start with one area of your life you battle with regularly. Then, find scriptures that have to do with that area and begin studying, memorizing and meditating on them (I’ll be writing about those very topics in the weeks to come). Then begin strategizing a way to apply those verses to that area you battle with. Once you feel like you’ve conquered that area, move on to another. May God bless you as you seek to live for Him!!

  18. I live alone but have no closet .. and found too many distractions /interruptions …like people knocking on the door phone calls even tho I told my friends the time I am studying some not honoring that time so I have started studying in the late evening after 10:00 pm sometimes it gets awfully late but oh well I can sleep late … it works for me tho I also have a journal for my talks with the Lord and things I want to pray about and then when I get an answer from God I put a sticker by it and date it is so awesome to see prayers answered !! God is good ..all the time!!

    1. Yes – I love to track answered prayers. In times of discouragement I go back and review them and encourage my heart in the Lord and His goodness.

  19. Betsy sancheZ says:

    Thank you for all this info.

  20. I would like to receive prayer challenges from you.
    I would like to receive prayer challenges from you.

  21. Hi Rosilind
    I have been journaling for many years, way before I ever heard of prayer journaling, and my home is small also, I started out sitting on the side of my bed, 5 am every morning and spending time with God before the sounds of daily life kicked in.
    I now having moved to a new apartment, I have this beautiful old school kitchen table and it is there that I meet the Lord every day.

    I loved your post, about making a prayer binder, and it is a beautiful idea, I have taken it one step further for myself, so that I don’t forget to pray my prayer strategies against the enemy. I have put up small bulletin boards in my kitchen across from where I sit, in my bathroom near the face bowl, as I get ready in the mornings, and in my bedroom so that I see them upon rising.

    This has helped me to remember and to pray consistently. He (the enemy), is consistent in his war against me, therefore I must be consistent in my battle against him for myself, and those I love.

    Thank you for all your inspiration
    May the face of God shine upon you and yours.

    1. I love the idea of bulletin boards. I have been meaning to get some myself. I need to get on that!!

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