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  1. Thank you for the tips. I completely agree about not turning on the computer or looking at your phone until after you have had quiet time. That is something I really struggle with. God is really working on my heart about needing to give him the first of my time each morning.

    Thanks for hosting the link party!

    1. It’s hard, because we want to engage right away…and sometimes it’s a distraction that allows us to wake up slowly, but it also tends to keep us from truly hearing the voice of God. I tend to be more focused when I’ve not begun my day with a device.

  2. Love the practical tips, Rosilind. Thanks for sharing and for the great linkup too!

  3. Hey Rosalind!

    These are really awesome tips! I’m gonna have to try the writing key verses on note cards and looking at them throughout the day idea. Thanks so much for sharing how your best tips for having an amazing quiet time with the Lord. And thanks for the link up, too!


  4. You offered so many great ideas here for establishing a quiet time in the midst of a busy life. No excuses now! Thanks for hosting the party and have a wonderful Wednesday. I do invite you to link up tomorrow at my link up party – Party at My Place.

  5. I’ve started keeping all my quiet time necessities in a bag that I can grab and go with. Now that I”m homeschooling teens, it seems as if I spend my life in the minivan. My bag is my portable tabernacle!

  6. Such great tips! I know that I am easily distracted, and being more careful in my planning would go a long way towards having more success.

  7. Thank you for posting the quiet time tips. I really, really needed them and never thought to make a quiet time kit or box. Pinned and tweeted!

    1. Thanks for pinning and tweeting! I am so glad this was helpful.

  8. I had just read Mark ch. 4 today and wanted to say thank you for your insight, Rosilind. I do struggle with *distraction* with too much email, but I’ve been wanting to find a time (and a place) to read my Bible and write out my prayer. I really like your idea of doing it first thing in the morning because it is important that we read and digest God’s Word. I LOVE the 30-day prayer challenge (even though I’m behind in it), because it gives me an opportunity to read a scripture and then to write out what’s on my heart. I really don’t know what to write for the observation as I’m a newbie, so I’ve been writing the scripture out. 🙂

    1. I love it that you’re writing the scripture out. That also helps to focus our hearts on what we’re reading. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the challenge. And don’t worry about being behind. It’s not a race to the finish line, it’s the journey and what we gain from it. Thank you for encouraging me today with your comment.

      1. Oh Rosilind, my Bible reading and prayer times have been the best times of my day this past week. My mother and I are caring for my stepfather who has been unable to walk by himself for the past couple of weeks because of degenerative disks in his spine and also a bone disease called Paget’s disease (and his next orthopedic appointment isn’t until June), so I’m really drawing a lot of strength from these. Today I read, 1 Thes. 5:16-18: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” I truly feel the Holy Spirit giving me strength to deal with the burden of my stepfather’s illness and my mother’s depression, as well as my own concerns…and I know that only God can fill me. He is my help and strength, Psalm 28:7.

        1. Oh – I am so sorry your stepfather has been ill. But, boy, God’s Word is the best source of strength and joy when we walk through those hard times.

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