Who Is Jesus Christ?

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While the vast majority of Americans believe Jesus really lived; for many, their perception of Him is quite skewed.

In a research article by Barna in 2017, we see that just over 50% of Americans believe He will come again, while just under 40% do not acknowledge His deity.

What’s more, we continue to see a major shift in adherence to the Bible and biblical principle, even from the pulpit.

Ecumenism continues to spread, even in more conservative denominations, while the push to embrace LGBTQ members into the church and even ministry grows ever more intense.

People’s response – even some pastors – argues, “But my God would never reject anyone based on their sexual identity” or “Judge not that you be not judged”.

Clearly misguided both in their understanding of Jesus’ identity and mission and of the context of that verse in Matthew 6.

In our Good Morning Girls’ study through the Gospel of John, this week we read chapters 6-10, and a good portion of that was an ongoing conversation Jesus had with the Pharisees about His identity, His mission, and His authority.

Pastor Dean Hackett of the Foundational blog and podcast, in his very solid article The True Identity of Jesus Christ, addresses this very issue that we read about in the early chapters of John…

and that we see in America today – even in the church.

He argues:

He makes it very clear, the redemption of mankind; the forgiveness of sin; and eternal life; is possible only through Him.

That exclusivity drives sinful human heart crazy.

Mankind desperately wants to believe he can save himself, that he is basically good and has the capability of making himself good.

Polytheism and political correctness demands there be many roads to God and tolerance makes no room for an exclusive Savior.

You can read the entire article here: The True Identity of Jesus Christ

Join me and over 200 women from all over the world in reading and studying God’s Word, cover to cover just one chapter a day.

Here is where you can find our online Bible study group: Good Morning Girls in the Word

This post is part of the Blogging Through the Bible series with Good Morning Girls
More Articles on the Book of John:

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