Prayer and Meditation Journal: Renewing Your Mind

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It has been said that our greatest battlefield in life is in our mind.

It is amazing how quickly our day can go from wonderful to ruined in a matter of seconds, simply by failing to control our thoughts.

Our thoughts are not benign. They have a very powerful effect on our emotions.

They also shape our belief systems, worldview, words, and actions. This is Paul urged the Romans to be renewed in the spirit of their minds.

Our minds do not naturally gravitate to what is holy and righteous. They do not naturally agree with Scripture.

This is why it is vital that we memorize God’s Word and meditate on it, so that we train our mind to come into agreement with what God’s Word says.

One of the things I find most helpful in studying the Bible is taking a verse at a time and then looking at each word.

After I’ve looked at the verse word-by-word, I start asking myself key questions about who wrote it, to whom was it written, how it applies today…

And then finally, I ask how it can apply to me. Right now. In my life, in my situation.

I have dozens of notebooks and stacks of paper where I’ve gone through verses on topics and through large passages, even whole books of the Bible, like this.

Today I’m offering a brand new journal that takes you through some of my process.

It is very simple and easy to use.

I created this journal to go along with what I’m sharing on the blog right now about spiritual warfare; using the verses in this free download: 10 Bible Verses for Renewing Your Mind

I am planning to make more journals like this; so be looking for more of these in the months to come.

This journal is 43 pages of scripture writing, journal prompts, and prayer prompts. To get your copy, click here right now or click the button below.

Resources for Renewing the Mind:

Coming 9/19

Prayer and Meditation Journal - Holy Spirit

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