10 Bible Passages Every Christian Should Memorize
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Do you think it is impossible to not sin?
The Psalmist believed it was. I personally believe that it is entirely possible for Christians to not habitually and intentionally sin.
I believe that is what David was referring to when he said, “Your Word I have hidden in my hear that I might not sin against You.” Psalm 119:11
Memorizing God’s Word is essential for the believer.
In fact, I believe that it is the difference between the life and death of a believer!
We don’t memorize Scripture so that we can show off how much we know, we memorize scripture so that we renew our minds.
Renewing our minds is the difference between wearing a church membership and being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
Anyone can have church membership.
Those who rely on church membership to get to heaven will find themselves very mistaken when they stand before Jesus Christ.
Jesus didn’t say for us to join churches, He told us to take up our crosses and follow Him – to become His disciples.
Becoming a disciple of Jesus is to learn about Him intimately, to imitate Him and His behavior, to shape our lives so close to His so that when people look at us they see Him!
The only way this happens is through renewing our mind, which in turn changes the way we act, respond, and speak.
Renewing our mind is truly restoring us from the inside out!
There are 10 Scripture passages that I believe every Christian should memorize.
Now, I know you’ll look at these and think that you could never memorize so much Scripture. I challenge you to try! Because I believe you’d be surprised at how much more you can do that you think you can.
In my post 4 Tips for Memorizing Scripture, I talk about why we should memorize larger portions of Scripture and not just verses here and there.
And in my post 3 Easy Ways to Memorize Scripture, I give you tips on how to do that.
1. Matthew 5-7 – For a biblical worldview
2. James – For learning how to control your tongue
3. Romans 6, 7 and 8 – For conquering sin and condemnation
4. Psalm 1 – For living a consecrated life
5. Ephesians 1 – For learning about your identity in Christ
6. John 15 – For abiding in Christ
7. 1 Corinthians 13 – For learning to give grace to the body of Christ
8. Hebrews 11 – To build your faith
9. Psalm 27 – To discover our security in Christ
10. Psalm 91 – In times of trouble
More Resources on memorizing, meditation on Scripture and Fasting: