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  1. Renee Parker says:

    I’m currently studying the book of Ephesians and would love to memorize it in its entirety. Do you read the entire book everyday to help with your memorization? I’ve gotten to the age where I have to right things down or I won’t remember and the scriptures I did have memorized have somehow got lost in the transition of age. I am going to try these tips to help me, thank you for sharing.

    1. I don’t read the whole book everyday. I will read the section I’m memorizing and then go back and review what I’ve already memorized, to keep it fresh.

  2. I love the idea of reading out loud. I do this with the two little ones already.

  3. Thank you, Rosilind, for encouraging Scripture memorization and for these great tips! May I suggest another helpful way to memorize Scripture? It is the app Bible Memory: Remember Me. Quizzes, flashcards, audio recording, playback and an intelligent review system help you to memorize your favourite verses from 44 Bible versions. It’s so easy to use it is even part of Google Play for Families.

    1. Wow! I love this!! Thank you for so much for stopping by to share it with us. What an amazing app!

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