How to Know If Jesus is Coming Back Soon

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It was a surreal moment for me.

I sat in the large room at a long fold-up table; next to my husband and surrounded by new friends. Listening to my dad share detailed historic events took me back to my jr. high days in our homeschool.

History was my favorite subject and it was the subject my dad taught on Mondays and Fridays.

The Bible has given to us signals that serve as markers to tell how soon Jesus' return will be. Here is how we can know if Jesus is coming back soon.

I loved Mondays and Fridays!

He didn’t just make us memorize a bunch of timeline charts and dates, he told stories.

He pulled us in to history and I felt like I was right there! He fascinated me and to this day I am a history buff.

One of my favorite things to do is watch historical documentaries.

But the longer I listened, I was transported back even farther….into my single-digits.

I sat in a darkened church toward the back. To this day I remember him talking about the rapture, end-time prophecy, and how historic and current events serve as markers for us to tell how close we are to Jesus’ second coming.

Fact is, my dad has studied and documented this stuff since the late 60’s!

No joke, he has spent thousands of hours reading, studying, fitting together events from the news and history to biblical prophecy…

he’s visited the Holy Land a handful of times and seen those places the Bible talks about.

And now he’s put it all together in a 14-part video series, titled Where Are We On God’s Time Clock, that he’s making available on his blog!

Discover end time prophecy through the lens of historic and current events with this 14-lesson course based 40+ years and thousands of hours of research.

If you are fascinated by the book of Revelation or find the Old Testament prophetic books a little confusing, this course is for you.

All together you get over 10 hours of teaching on biblical end-time prophecy through the lens of historic and current events.

Plus you get a free workbook and access to a private Faceboook group!

Be sure to join us to learn more about Leadership Development Institute and Where Are We On God’s Time Clock.

P.S. You can find my dad’s blog here. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest.

P.S.S. Did you know my dad has a podcast? If you’d like to check him out first, you can find a lot of his sermons right here on his podcast and take a listen. I know you’ll really enjoy his preaching and teaching style.

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  1. Rosalind, thank you for taking the time to read this. I have a Bachelor degree from Liberty University. My major is Religion (ugh I HATE that word) but I love my emphasis Biblical Studies. Today is Thursday, December 8th. While at lunch I saw a portion of a CNN broadcast of the current bombing of Syria/Aleppo, apparently the onslaught was by Iraq/Iran (I only saw the last few minutes). Anyway, I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard a foreign diplomat state that ‘all these countries need to come together with one leader and end the turmoil and bring peace to the Mid Eastern countries.” I was totally shocked…not to mention all the events that have accelerated over the past several years!

    During my time in school I had many opportunities to write papers. Several of the professors gave gracious comments regarding my writing. Since I graduated in 2014 I haven’t written anything. I would like to ask your suggestions on becoming an author/writer/blogger. You are the first Christian person that I felt I could ask. Perhaps it is Holy Spirit bearing witness between us…I’m not sure. I do know this I don’t open up to people on Pinterest or Facebook, generally because I don’t know what type of information they would give me.

    I am getting ready to retire from the hospital where I work as a Unit Clerk, 36 hours each week, 13 hours for 3 days. However my plans are not to retire to be idle, rather to be busier than now. My husband and I (when I can) have a prison ministry. We basically minister to two prisons within the North Texas area, though our desire is to go into many other prisons.

    May God bless you and your family…
    Becca Cox

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