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  1. Angela D. Meyer says:

    Well put. My daughter responds so much better to the heart behind the issue than severely held “thou shalt nots”. I do have guidelines on what she wears, but always try to point back to the reason behind it. Works much better than what I grew up with!

  2. Great truths, Rosalind. I loved the opening quote. Powerfully and simply true. And a good reminder in this season of skimpy dressing. Thanks.

  3. That quote is really something to think about! And you are right… when we seek God to keep our hearts pure, the way we dress will reflect that. Thanks for posting on this subject!

  4. Lexie Robinson says:

    I have been working on my definition of modesty thank you so much for this post!

  5. This was a great post, but I want to add to the children’s part. Of course, we are not overbearingly strict like some of those you spoke of. You cannot just lay out a bunch of set rules and not give a heart reason for following. Giving a rule or regulation is not sharing God’s way, God works through the heart. Our teens have been free to choose whether or not they would dress modestly once we see that they are at an accountable age. After searching the Scripture for themselves, they know the answer to that. In serving God, they are beautifully modestly dressed. Our youngest, she doesn’t have a choice. She wears clothing that is modest…period. If she had her way, she’d be naked! We parents must teach our children God’s ways and enforce them. However, we have always explained to her that this is God’s way…not ours. She has a deep desire to please God, which teaches her heart the path to follow.

  6. Modesty isn’t talked about enough and it isn’t explained to our young girls enough in terms of how a man’s eyes and mind work and how Satan controls that aspect of their minds. Having been married to a man addicted to pornography for WAY too much of our marriage, I know firsthand the importance modesty can have. I loved this post.

  7. Rachelle Dawson says:

    I wish we’d hear more in our church services. I’ve actually seen less modesty among some adults than among youth in the church.

  8. Yes – my parents also took care to help us see the reason behind the rule. It connects with the heart so much better that way!

  9. Absolutely! Explaining the principle behind the rule is so critical – because it captures the heart. When a child is able to make the principle personal to them, they are less likely to abandon it later on. Thank you for pointing that out!

  10. Excellent post. I worry that we’ve spent too much time worrying about “rules” for modesty, when our focus needs to be on the heart of modesty. Thanks for sharing this.

  11. So true! If the heart isn’t engaged, then it’s simply not sincere! Thank you for stopping by!

  12. Mel Caldicott says:

    Such great advice here. Brilliant post! I love especially what you have said in #2 as it’s very insightful that a man’s perspective is different from a woman’s on these issues.

    I linked here from Thrive at Home Linkup and thought you might want to link this post at the linkup I host called Essential Fridays.

    I’m sure my readers would love to see this!


  13. I appreciated this post on modesty because you emphasized the heart as being at the bottom of modesty. Thank you for sharing this over at WholeHearted Wednesdays this past week. Have a good week, Rosilind.

  14. Thank you, Judith. Yes – we can be buttoned up to our necks and cover our wrists and ankles…and still have immodest eyes. It;s the heart that counts!

  15. Yes – my husband knows that he has every right to ask me to change, if he feels that what I am wearing is too immodest. and I welcome it. It’s his way of protecting me and protecting our marriage.

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