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      1. Thanks very much this is amazing glory be to God.

  1. Evelyn Sanches says:

    Thank you..This really hit home. I have a journal but always so busy that I forget to write in it..I will do so more often..I also keep a journal of the things God has done for me.. AMAZING and yes I’ve slacked off. I need to get back on track with my journaling. I do pray every single day. I love the Lord. But I thank you for reminding me about the warfare.

  2. Kassie Zukowski says:

    Sometimes in our walk, we need a refresher of the basics. I woke again depressed with my heartache for my lost daughter…I opened “Victory Decrees” by Jen Le Claire and told I have spiritual weapons and I went blank to what my spiritual arsenal is? So I searched it and after hitting ad sites, I opened this Devine page and made a list of “I know this but I don’t do it “ into my new Above and Beyond journal. What a new find! Praise God. Signing up to this timely blessing! Hugs Kassie

  3. The blood of Jesus is a potent weapon in spiritual warfare.
    Surprisingly it’s missen in the list

  4. Juliana tHomas says:

    OMG’s I needed to read this today. The article really broke down where I am to focus my attention.

  5. This article is so Holy-spirit filled and inspiring. Thank You Roslind for allowing God to use you in teaching and equiping His people. More grace to you and ministry. Stay blessed with your family.

  6. Ohhh myyyyy!!!! I’ve been struggling lately to make myself get closer to God! Anxiety about choosing to stop working so I can focus on my health and my kids and then my conscious tells me don’t forget to use this time to get close to God!!! And then I get overwhelmed with the thoughts of where do I even start. I know nothing ? and I’ve been around this since I was 11yrs old. Now I run into this article and it’s 1am and so exhausted wanted to sleep but knew this was what my heart was telling me to do, if I can stay up every other night this late on fb or IG then this should be priority!! Thank you soooii much! This really finally opened my eyes!

  7. ruth ekara says:


  8. I’m so blessed with this article . Actually, am doing an Esther fast to break out from all the strongholds in my life and ho was desperately looking for how to use the name and the blood of Jesus in a right way. Finally, I landed into this beautiful article that has real renewed my mind and added more value in my Christian life as still a baby in Christ Jesus. Thank you very much for your good work in Christ May the Almighty God reward you a thousand Ford. Shalom ??

  9. Kunle Olopade says:

    Thanks for this inspirational write up. Really addressed my line of thought. Very enriching and simple to comprehend and practice. God bless you

  10. bola Yeshua says:

    This article is so scripturally loaded and anointed! I am charged up in my spirit and I hope to read more write ups from you.
    God bless and increase you, ma’am!

  11. Aloga wisdom o says:

    Thanks so much!I now discovered that the people of God perish just because of lack of knowledge. I am liberated today in Jesus name!

  12. Rich word of God. God bless you

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