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  1. Thank you for these scriptures Rosilind. They make me realize that I have to hold onto what God says above what I feel or think.

    1. Amen! Our thoughts and emotions must surrender to God’s Word!

  2. john afewerki says:

    The above reply really blessed me, I don’t know what the language is but i have searched the verses and Ive found them all they are fantastic…May our lord Jesus Christ bless u for being obedient..!!

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you. It is a link to the Croatian translation of this post. 🙂 Because I live and minister in Croatia, my posts are often translated to a Croatian Bible study blog I help run.

  3. ChengetAi says:

    Powerful indeed…as I read all the 10 verses I saw this verse when you referred to verse 15……Colossians 2 vs 10….thank you so much.

  4. I enjoyed reading this post; however, the ads make it really hard to concentrate on the content.

  5. Cindy Wheeler says:

    Thank you for sharing those verses we need to stand against the enemy put on that armour every day ladies

  6. Abdurahman mustapha says:

    The Almighty God I remain your servant

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