Are We Heaping God’s Wrath On Our Country?

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If you follow my blog for any length of time, you know that I don’t delve into politics….until politics begin treading on God’s Word and It’s principles.

And that is exactly what happened yesterday.

And what happened must not be ignored, because if we’re truly children of God who live to see His glory revealed here on earth, we will not only be disturbed by the events yesterday; we will be filled with righteous anger.

American flag at daybreak

We will understand that America is heaping God’s wrath upon her in many ways, and yesterday was just one more time when we spit in his face – daring Him to take notice.

And believe me, it will not go unnoticed no unpunished!

Are We Heaping God’s Wrath On Our Country?

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver was invited to open the 117th Congress in prayer.

What I find interesting is that he is an ordained United Methodist pastor . The Methodist Church was started by revivalist John Wesley; who – along with brother Charles Wesley and George Whitfield – sparked the Great Awakening.

How far the Methodist Church has fallen!

In his prayer, Cleaver says the following:

“We ask it in the name of the monotheistic god Brahma and god known by many names, by many different faiths, a-man and a-woman.”

What makes this very confusing is that Brahma is the Hindu creator god.

So, now in his effort at ecumenism, he’s not naming Almighty God first and vainly trying to bring other religions in under that umbrella, he elevated a Hindu god above the One True God and is trying sweep God in under the umbrella of Hinduism.

Begging the question, why then is he Methodist and not Hindu, if he’s praying to a Hindu god.

But that is really a side-issue.

The main issue is this: we are not a multi-religious country. Or at least, we were not founded to be a multi-religious country.

If you look at our founding documents, you will see that our country was founded on God’s Word and was always intended to be a country guided by the principles of Scripture and to the glory of Almighty God alone.

For further study, please visit the post “Was America Founded for the Glory of God”, written by F. Dean Hackett at Foundational – who is an avid American History scholar and has written extensively on this topic.

The very notion that we would open up a meeting of Congress with a prayer, not to Almighty God, for whom American was originally founded, but to insult Him with a prayer to a Hindu god, and then furthermore attempt to sweep God in with a host of other false gods saying, “…known by many names, by many different faiths” is an insult that will not go unnoticed.

God will not be mocked!

And while the rest of America is horror over “a-man and a-woman” – which is ridiculous on it’s face – the real issue isn’t that he tried to genderize the word amen, completely altering it’s meaning.

The real issue is that he dedicated this session of congress to a false god, and completely ignored Almighty God – the ONLY Creator of the Universe, for whom our country was founded.

Is it not enough that we have mocked God by altering the meaning of “separation of Church and State”?

Is it not enough that we have allowed our political leaders to go to great lengths at removing mention of God or the Bible from public places?

Is it not enough that we have erected idols on our soil and promoted the worship of false gods?

Is it not enough that we have murdered 42.7 million babies worldwide – abortion being the leading cause of death?

Is it not enough that we have perverted God’s holy plan for intimacy by promoting safe sex?

Is it not enough that we have made a mockery of God’s holy institution of marriage by normalizing, even celebrating, couples living together outside the bonds of marriage?

Is it not enough that we have defiled and perverted God’s holy plan for intimacy by normalizing and celebrating homosexuality and every form of deviancy?

Is it not enough that we have defiled and perverted God’s holy institution of marriage by celebrating and legalizing homosexual marriage?

Now, we have replaced God from opening prayer at Congress with a prayer to a Hindu god – which poorly attempts to sweep Almighty God in as a byword.

Church, God will not be mocked.

Our nation has defiled herself with all manner of demonic worship and perversion, just like the Israelites did in the Old Testament.

And just like in the Old Testament, God has been longsuffering.

But for how long?

There came a time when the Israelites pushed God’s hand of punishment, when God could no longer withhold His judgement.

Have we reached that point in America?

I don’t know; but I do that God is jealous for His name and for His glory. He will now allow a country that is founded upon His name to be overtaken by the name of an idol!

He will not allow a country that was founded on the principles of Scripture, to exalt a false god above His name.

What is the remedy?

The Church must repent; because the Church has been passive about sin. So passive, that she has even accepting sin into her own community.

Many Christians and pastors have mocked God by altering the meaning of “separation of Church and State”.

We allowed our political leaders to go to great lengths at removing mention of God or the Bible from public places.

We allowed the murder of 42.7 million babies all over the world.

We have perverted God’s holy plan for intimacy by promoting safe sex; and I am disturbed by the number of Christians who think safe sex is normal, and even teach their own children safe sex without consideration for the Biblical principle of sexuality.

We have made a mockery of God’s holy institution of marriage by normalizing, even celebrating, couples living together outside the bonds of marriage…yes, even in the church.

We have defiled and perverted God’s holy plan for intimacy by normalizing and celebrating homosexuality…yes, even in the church.

We have defiled and perverted God’s holy institution of marriage by even celebrating homosexual marriage; even conducting homosexual weddings.

Many evangelical churches continue to offend God with their ecumenical beliefs that many, perhaps all, religions worship the same god by different names.

How far is too far? At what point do we test God’s patience too far? At what point will God cease to be longsuffering with us and enact the judgment we deserve?

Or have we reached that point already?

Dear Church, I don’t have the answer to that question, but I do know that 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

And while in the many, many years that I have walked with God, I have heard this verse quoted as a call to prayer and repentance, I pray that this time we will take it seriously.

I pray that this time we will truly seek God’s face in humility and repentance.

Consider grabbing this 30 Day Prayer Challenge for the Church, as a resource in learning how to pray for the body of Christ.

Start lifting up your church today as you pray through God's Word with this 30 Day Prayer Challenge! 30 Prayers from the Word to inspire your prayer life.

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One Comment

  1. Rosilind,
    Thank you for your true words! I was thinking the very same thing about America just yesterday……how much we seem to parallel Israel. I did look up Mr. Cleaver’s contact information and sent him a short email about how outrageous his prayer was and encouraged him to repent before God. I would also encourage all your readers to do the same thing….politely!

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