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  1. All this time I thought the worship issue was only *my* husband! Lol

    Despite being a very strong leader, he’s not a fan of corporate worship in a church setting as it is done in the States. What’s funny is that he *loves* our family worship time, when our daughter plays her guitar and we all sing.

  2. We do often have these preconceived ideas of what spiritual leadership should look like.
    I love that my husband and I have time set aside each year to plan goals. When we do this, it gives us an opportunity to talk about where we are in various aspects of our lives (including our spiritual lives), so we can talk about expectations.

  3. Love this view point. I agree completely and am surprised at how many posts online don’t actually follow this… you’re right so many wives see the internet as place to dump their hurt feelings over crushed expectations in the leadership abilities of their husbands… to me those feelings should be kept in private prayer with God only… Thanks for sharing with Salt & Light!


  4. I really appreciated your perspective. I have heard so much from the opposite point of view that you were refreshing. I love how you leave room for a husband to have some growing room.

  5. I wanted to say that I loved the point you made about the emotional side of praise and worship!
    I agree that many years ago it was more focused on being a conquer and warrior!
    I am hoping my profile will be correct now!
    Blessings, Roxy

  6. Hi Roxy! So nice to see your face! I’ll pop over and check out your link party. I think we could do so much more to remove the barriers that often discourage people from engaging in worship.

  7. I always feel you are talking right to me. This is so pertinent. So true. For all the amount of time I have to spend reading and studying God’s word, my husband has much less time during this season of his life. It takes me moments to fall from all that spirituality I think I have gained; and it takes just moments for my husband to soar way ahead of me spiritually. Many men just seem to not be so spiritual as we’d like them to be. After all, they can be crude and belch (a burp is more polite) and eat a huge bite of food. Then, all of a sudden, they have spiritual insight that far outpasses and wisdom and discernment. Even a non-Christian husband can lead their family spiritually and even a young and inexperienced or carnal husband can lead. We just have to stop putting our husbands in a box without a lid!!

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