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  1. Hi Rosilind! I am your neighbor at Teaching What is Good. (and I often like to your bloghop too!)

    You are certainly teaching what is good today. What a bold topic choice for your series! But our lives require that boldness to be good and sure followers of Christ. As you said, does reflect to our neighborhoods and friends, and we want to be reflecting God always.

    Great post! Nice to see you again too.

  2. Good morning, I so agree that Titus 2 women today fight this battle .I know one friend that does it BIG time.

  3. Ella Halligan says:

    The world certainly doesn’t make this easy. With all of the pressures and distractions, it can be easy to slip into the trap of not only living in the world, but allowing it to dictate who we are (and should) be. Good reminder.

  4. AMEN! It is a great battle, indeed, and women/mothers are right there, at the forefront of this war…therefore, we better put on the Armor of God every day if we want to stay in the fight…the good news is that Victory is ours in Christ. He has overcome the world…but until He comes back, we must hold the fort. thanks for the post. Blessings to you and your family.

  5. Thank you for this reminder to always reflect the truths of God in the manner in which we live – daily. And it will surely be a battle but it can be won as we live intentionally. I am visiting from the TGIF Blog Hop.


  6. Yes – the armor of God is so vital! And we are overcomers!! Thank you so much for stopping by!!

  7. Yes – it is very difficult these days — we live in a very unique time in history and it is growing increasingly more difficulty to live by the Word.

  8. Thank you Ceil – for following along with this series. It has been very convicting for me. I thank God for His grace and the love of my wonderful husband, when I fail – as I do so often!!

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