Romans 8 Bible Verse Memorization Pack

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Layout of Romans 8 Bible Verses Printable Pack

Growing up I’d always heard that we should memorize God’s Word because you don’t always have your Bible with you.

You never know, they might outlaw the Bible, like in persecuted countries, so you want to always have it with you in your memory.

Well, that’s true.

Something like that could happen (probably not in our lifetime).

But, there’s a deeper reason, one that is relevant to this moment in our lives right now.

When we memorize God’s Word, it goes to the deepest part of our subconscious and slowly begins to reshape our thinking.

The more we think on the verses we’ve memorized, the more our thinking is shaped and reformed.

Literally, Romans 12:1 begins to take place.

We are being renewed in the spirit of our mind.

This is the number one reason why we need to memorize God’s Word – and not just verses here and there, but large blocks of God’s Word.

Chapters, even books!

That is why I’ve begun to offer these printable packs of whole chapters of the Bible – so that we begin to form a habit of memorizing large blocks of Scripture.

In my post 10 Bible Passages Every Christian Should Memorize I talk about the importance of memorizing Bible passages.

While it is good to know key Bible verses, or even have a set of verses in the Bible that help to target areas that we are battling in our life, we can run into problems doing this.

There is danger in isolating verses in the Bible, we can easily take verses out of the proper context and assign meaning to them that God never gave.

However, there is tremendous power in memorizing whole passages of Scripture.

Not only are we hiding large portions of God’s Word in our heart, it has greater power to transform our thinking patterns, and thereby our whole life.

Romans 6-8 is a great passage to memorize if you are battling sin and trying to get the victory.

Today I am offering Romans 8 as a memorization pack.

You can find Romans 6 and 7 in the links below.

You can grab the set of Bible verse cards below by just typing your email in the form below the image

Get instant access to over 100 FREE Printables today without ever having to enter your email in again! Become a member of my Printable Library on Buy Me a Coffee today!

More Resources on memorizing, meditation on Scripture and Fasting:

Grab this scripture memorization Challenge printable pack today and begin hiding God's Word in your heart and renewing your mind. #alittlerandr #memorzing #Bible #jesus #God
Layout of Bible verses from Psalm 119
Layout of Romans 7 Bible verses

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