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  1. Kathy James says:

    I am looking forward to using the tools to strengthen my pryer liwe

  2. Vincent Omondi says:

    Very power pact prayer resources,may God bless you woman of God

  3. Hi Rosilind,
    Could you show me a sample of what The Prayer Strategy Worksheet looks like filled out? I’ve never seen or heard of this type of praying.

  4. Hi, I loved this article and as I was reading it I’m certain that the Lord spoke clearly about Netflix. What I felt He showed me was that Netflix (or anything on TV that feeds not ones spirit, but the flesh, which is pretty much everything except biblically sound faith based movies or preaching) is a tool of the enemy to render us ineffective on the battlefield. It’s the equivalent of a Whorehouse strategically located within the sight of soldiers engaged in war. The enemy loves nothing more than to lure us into a fleshly banquet that is meant to not only dull our sword but also our ability to hear the battle commander. Instead, if we are battle weary and need refreshing, let us go to the battle commander, the Lord, which is our source of strength. Let us go rest in His arms in the quiet as He sings words of healing and life over us, but most importantly, just before sending us back out to the battle, He gives us inside strategic advice that will bring us victory. Then and only then will we go back on the battlefield more equipped than we were before. I pray that we will be mindful of the pitfalls of the worldly pleasures. We weren’t “born again” to continue to fulfill fleshly desires, but to link arms with the Kings of Kings and Lord of Lord’s as He lives through us while expanding His Kingdom. If we could come out of the world and stop fulfilling our fleshly desires, think of how much more mightily He will work in and through us against the kingdom of darkness rather than the kingdom of darkness using us to work against the Kingdom of God, unbeknownst to us ???????

  5. Jenny, thanks for sharing this insight. These were my exact meditations this morning; most videos on YouTube, Facebook etc that I watch are just “valueless junks that never profit my spirit man”. The Holy Spirit used your write up to reinforce what He was trying to make me know and understand. God bless you.

  6. Laura Weddington says:

    Just found your site and am looking forward to learning more and putting to use the resources you have available.

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